Page 143 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
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                residency AND
                                      TABLE No. 10.
                  Btlw* of Principal Arliclet of Import into Ling ah during the year 1892.
                                          1892.                  1891.
                                    Quantity.   Value.     Quantity.   Valuo.

                                                    R                      R
                                                 • ••      804 bead      22,100
             Animals . . •   •                            7.600 pieces
            Apparel, wearing .     6,500 pieces   16.150                i  21,200
             Arras and ammunition                • ••       6*7 cases
             Books and printed matter   60 cases  11,260                 16,600
             Building materials (cement   5.000 tons   10,000  6,000 tons   16,875
             Candles •   •   •     1,250 casco    10,000  1,860 cases    10,880
            Canvas •   •   •       1,800 cwts.    05.000  1.600 cwtn.    77.000
             Cattle                10.000 bead    30.000  12.000 bead    42.000
             Cocoanuts •   •   •     800 cwta.    11.400   945 cwte.     13,635
             Coffee •   •   0      3,750 „      1,87,500  7,200 „       4.32.000
             Coir and coir-rope   •  2.000  „     24.000   2.500  „      30.000
             Cotton goods   •   .  8,980 bales   14,71,000  5,150 bales   15,67,500
             Thread and twist      1,900 cwto.    68.400   2,158 cwto.   77.500
             Cotton, raw   •   .     690 „        10,450    733 „        11.000
             Dates •       •      50.000  „     1.25.000  45.000  „     1.07.000
             Drags and medicines •   4,200 „      33.600  6,100 „        41,300
             Dyeing and colouring mate­
              rials.               6,000 „        36.000  0,700 „        33.500
             Earthenware   .   • .                12.000     • ••        14.000
             Fruits and vegetables .   ,  6,000 cwts.   64,900  5,308 cwts.  63.700
             Fuel .    •           12,800 tons    89.600  10.500 tone    84.000
             Furniture •   .                      19.000                 21.000
             Gold embroidered cloth   240 pieceB   12.000   800 pieces   15.000
             Gold lace •             550 lbs.     11,000    670 lbs.      13,400
             Grain and poise   ' •  1,59,750 cwts.   8,97,600  1,54,350 cwts.   8.36.000
             Hardware and cutlery     80 cases    20,000    100 cases    25.000
             Jute, and manufactures of   425 cwts.  10.150   600 cwts.   17.500
             Leather, and manufactures o          26,000                 23.000
             Lemons, dry   .   .    1,50(1 cwts.   27.000  1,750 cwts.    21.000
             Mata                  3u,000 pieces   12.000  38,750 pieces   35.500
             Metals ...            3,000 cwts.    50.000  4,000 cwt8.    62,030
             Do., manufactures of    500 „        17.400    630 „        21,000
             Oils .    .    .      6,600 „        57.000  8,333 „         80,000
             Pearls                             48.60.000              42,45,000
             Perfumery   .   .                    19.000                  28,000
             Porcelain and Cbinaware   300 cases  15.000    400 cases    20,000
             Provisions and oilmanstores         1,16,000               1.08.000
             Salt                   3,900 tons    19.500  2,850 tons      17,000
             Seeds                   800 cwts.    14.600   1,155 cwt9.    20,800
             Shells, mother-o'-pearl   6,600 ,,   1,38,400  4,400   „   1,01,000
             Silk |nw   •   •       1,100 lbs.    15.000   1,700 lbs.     17.000
                 manufactures of                  81,700                  40,600
             Spices                 8,600 cwts.   90.000  4,500 cwts.
             Sugarcandy              800 „        14.400  1,050 „       1.12.500
             Sugar ^ loaf            600 „        10.500  1.800 „         27.000
                  crushed           6,2o0  „      89.250  6,000 „         81.000
             Tallow   .   •   •     1,000 „       24.000    833 „         15,000
             Tea .   .   .   ..      260 cases    14.500    800 cases     15,000
             Tobacco   .   .        2,700 cwte.   28.000   15,700 cwtg.
             Timber and wood                      44,000                1,50,000
             Woollen goods ,   •      90 bales   1,02,000   150 bales     58,800
             All other kinds not mentioned                              1.05.500
              above.                              72.250                  82.700

                      Total            • ••     91,63,500              90,81,740
                       Specie                   32,00,000              35,85,000

               GRAND TOTAL
                                               1,28,63,500            1,26,16,740
   138   139   140   141   142   143   144   145   146   147   148