Page 146 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 146


                                             TABLE No. 16.
                      Table showing tie total Value of all Articles Exported from and Imported into Bander
                                Abba* to and from Foreign Countriet during tie gear 1899.

                                                        Extorts.          Imports.
                                                     1802.    1891.   1892.    1891.
                                                      R       R        R        a
                   Great Britain        k            27,400    ,800  1,60,000  16,650
                   Other European countries   .   .   .              1,88,892   4,200
                   British India and oolonies   •   •   •  27,35,000   20,43,420  41,44,955  61,34,650
                   Egypt    ••••••                   60,000   41,700   • ••
                   Turkey .     •   •   .   •        49.000  1,04,260         WOO
                   Muscat and Dependencies   .   .   .  35.000  1,32,300  18,500  1,18,000
                   Bahrain and other Maritime States in the
                     Golf   .«••••                   26.000   84,000   3,700   85,000
                   Zanzibar....................................................  1,000  2,500  2,000
                   China    ......                  5,96,800  12,07,200

                                         Total     85,18,200  36.75,680  44,58,547  64,63,500

                                               TABLE No. 16.
                             Return of Shipping at the Fort of Bander Allas in the gear 1S92.
                                               Satliso.       Steam.        Total.
                                            No. of   Tons.  No. of   Tons.  No. of   Tons.
                                            vessels.      vessels.      reads.

                   British .                   20   4,000    79  70,S62    99  74,362
                   Persian                     25    600                   25    500
                   Turkish                                    2   2,500     2   2,500
                   Muscat                      45   1,350                  45   l,3o0
                   Arab                        80     500                  80    500
                   Others •                    10     60    • ••   • ••    10     60

                                  Total        180  6,410    81  72,862   261  79,272

                   Total toe the tjsae preceding  397  10,150  76  84,500  473  94,650


                                                8aiu*o.       Btsajl        Total.
                           National: rr.
                                             No. of        No. of        No. of   Taos.
                                             vessels.  Tons.      Tods.  ▼e«els.
                    British                     22   4,400    77  68,362    99  72,762
                    Persian                     26    600    • •            25    500
                    Turkish                   • ••             2   2,500     2  2,500
                    Muscat                      48   1,440                  48   1,440
                    Arab                        80    600                   80    600
                    Others                      10     60                   10     60

                                   Total       185   6,900    79  70,862   264  77,782

                   Total fob tee teak preceding .  868  7,880  74  82,300  442  90,180
   141   142   143   144   145   146   147   148   149   150   151