Page 148 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
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                                             TABLE J*q. 18.
                          Return of Principal Article* of Import into Bahrain daring the gear 1892,

                                                 ian.                  1891.
                                            Quintitj.   Vtloa.    Quantity.

                                        r ■  50 horses             15 horses
                                        i   86 camels  }           30 donkeys }  14,450
                  Animals ,                 25 donkeys   24,900  I  35 camels
                  Apparel, wearing         1,550 pieces  12,4u0  1,400 pieces   11,200
                  Cattle   •              31.000  head   91.000  29,150 heads   88,160
                  Charcoal .              9,500 cwt.    19.000   10,500 cwt.   21,000
                  Coffee   ,              4,^75 „     S,20,C25   5,278 „     3,43.070
                  Coir and coir-rope      2,320 „       27,840   1,325 „      15,900
                  Confectionery and preserves  500 „    12.500    845 „       18,650
                        f iaw             2,-90 „       53.S20   3.3S5 • „
                  Cotton                                                      79,730
                        (.goods .         2,<96 bundles   6,21,850  2,414 bundles   6,05,300
                  Thread and twist          833 cwt.    <0,S00    930 cwt.    50,800
                  Dates •                 57.000  „    1,83,000  59,650 „    1,58,950
                  Date juice              8,050 „       13.725   3,550 „      14,200
                  Drags and medicines .                 11,892
                  Dyeing and coloring materials         17,555
                  Fruits and vegetables .               24.725                19,210
                  Fuel                    23,500 cwt.   15.500  22,000 cwt.   17,600
                  Gold lace and thread .    800 bandies   16.500   500 bundles   18,000
                  Grain and pulse .   .  197,232 cwt.  13/AS2S  1S7,450 cwt.  10,50,490
                  Hardware and cutlery .                12,230
                  Leather, and manufactures o           11,620
                  Lemons, dry                                     800 cwt.    12,800
                  Metals                  2,039 cwt.    41,716   1,153 „      33,200
                  Oils                    3,GS5 „       41,850   3,922 „      46,560
                  Pearls                              17,20,000             15,81,001*
                  Perfumery                             19,642                22,000
                  Provisions and oilmanstores           92,316               1,11,780
                  Shells, mother-'o-pcarl.   2,200 cwt.   22,SOU   2.900  cwt.  15,100
                      {  manufactures of  5,0G0 pieces   47,6S0   5,821 pieces   45,570
                  Silk  raw .              2,800 lbs.   22,950   3.900  lbs.   I7,9u0
                  Spices                   1,405 cwt.   42,OOS   2,200 cwt.   59,220
                  Sugarcandy                            10,000
                  Sugar, soft             3.030  cwt,   54,540   3,017 cwt.   48,270
                  Tnllow                    967 „       29,674   1,020 „      23,400
                  Tobacco                  5.030  „    1,02,550   5,319 „    1,04,50C
                  Timber and wooc                       46,600                32,580
                  Wool                      350 cwt.    11,900    450 cwt.    15,750
                  Woollen goods              94 bundles  38,520    76 bundles  25,900
                  All other kinds                       68,451                96,810

                               Total                  53,08,707             48,59,120

                               Specie                 22,78,000             10,55,000

                      GRAND TOTAL                                           59,14,120
   143   144   145   146   147   148   149   150   151   152   153