Page 145 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 145

                                     TABLE No IS*
                Return of Principal Articles of Export from Bander Abbas during the year 1892,
                                                un.                180 L.
                                           Qautllj.  Tala*.  Quntity.   Talsa,
                                                       R                  R
            Aoisul*   •   •                 40 horaea  8,000  148 bales.
            Colton good*                                                16,000
            Cotton, raw                  11,400 cwta.  2,28,000   13,344 cwta.   1,60,130
            Ptles    »   •               125.000  „   3,12,600   60,000 „   180,000
            Drag* and medicine#   •  _   10.840 „   2,38,820   10123 „   61,810
            Djring »nd colouring ton tens In   2.600 „   16/<00   4,900 „   23,650
            frail* and vegeUblo#   •    1,00.000 „  KMX),000   63,382 ,   6,35,500
            Grain and polio   •            320 „      1,920   13,064 „   62 260
                                           200 „      3,300              2,810
            Gob                                               170 $9
            Hidu and akin# •             6.000  bdlea. of   49,000      65,630
                                          20 *kinn each.
                                           600 bdlcs.   10,000  1/XX) bdles.
            Mat*                                                        20,000
            Op am                          746 chests   6,96,800  1/598 chests.  12,68,200
            Perfomery (rosewater) .       2,010 pkga.   20,000          11,400
            Provisions and oilmanstorcn   2,600 cwta.   90.000         2,14,200
            Silt                         10,OX) ton#   25.000   20,000 ton#   60,000
            Seeds                         3,100 cwts.  24,SOO  21,664 cwta.   1.15.620
              Craw .                        6 bdlcs.  2,000   20 Idles.  10,000
            SUk  (manufactures of           41 ..    41.000   37 „      37.000
            Tobacco                       4,SCO cwts.   27.000   2200 carta.   11.000
            Wool                         20.0CO „   4,00,000  15,153 „   2.79.620
            Wwllen goods (carpets) .      4,OX) p’eci#  64.000   411 bdlcs.  1.23.700
            Otter article#   •                       61,910              19,090
                                Total               32,10.030          33,56,520
                                Specie              3,08,150           3,52,750
                         GRAND TOTAL                35,18,200          37,09,270
                                      TABLE No. 14.
                Return of Prtr.rpal Articles tf Import into Bender Abbat during the year 1892.
                       AirrcLu.                                    165-1.
                                                     Talc-,  Qaiititj.  Vitae.
           Animals   .   .                403        16.0(0  1,000 donkeys  R
            Book* and printed matter       65 ptjres.   6,0.0           50,000
            Ecildmg materials            6.0CO rafters   2,500
           Candles                       1,327 cases   10,616
                                           55 robbias.
           Coroannts  .   .   .        f  3,003 coroasuts i  1,500
            Coffee                        154 cwts.  11,000
            Coir ind coir-rope            KO          1,000  474 cwts.  31,280
            Cotton good#   .             4.553 bales   14,50,403
            Tbead and twist .   ]        2.0.-4 „   3,44,100  9,750 bales   31,12,250
            Brags and medicines           1*4 pkgea.  11,503  4,418 „   3,94.300
                                                            1/232 „
            Brring and colouring materials  31 cases  9.850             14,910
            rumjtnra                                  5,18-3
            Gold embroidered cloth *.       7 pkgra.   4.503            14.2S0
            Grain and pulee             30,845 cwta.         200 pieces   10.000
            Hardware                                1,03.42-3  11239 carta.  54,600
                                          237 case#
            wigo   .   ;                 1,201 ewts.   21.000  235 cases   24,820
            Jets, and manufactures of     5C-9 bundles   86.4(0  3,400 cwts.   3,09,400
                                                             830 bales
            MuS.1“d BpiriU                275 cases   2,750  227 cases   16,000
            iirtai.   ;   ;   ;          3/330 Lass    720  1,250 bundles   12400
            Bo., aad manufactures of     3,703 cwU.  23,520  9,442 cwts.  WO
                                            8 pkgta
            °Q»  .                        8S5 case#    •400
            Perfumery .                 {  and casks.  }  4,040  2,000 cases  8,000
                                           23 cases
            JorceUin and Cbinaware'       439         2,300
            ^nne.wn# and oilmanstores    3,632 cwU.   liiouo- - 960 ease*   24,000
            Bilk,                           3 cases  47,100  6,467 cwts.  lOttfO
                Manufactures of
            Spice#                          8        10.850   15 bundles   20JOOO
            Stationery ’                  350 cwts.   11,000  7,165 cwta.  1,30,460
                                           16 case#
                                                              15 cases
            8b8», &dy                     510 cwta.   7,480   700 cwts.  14,000
                                         6,827 „    1,38.892            57100
            Tea                          17.727 ,.   2,61,814   3.813 „
            W-co’                        32,1-12 H   16.76,600   22,190 „   13.81,380
              Uen good*                   $K> pkges.   2.200   28,668 .   22^00
            ^kr articlea                   26 „      13,OX)   1,500 bundles  9,000
                                                     49,340   9         04^70
                                Total               43,71,572          62,56,560
                                 Specie              86,975            2,60,000
                         GRAND TOTAL               44.58,547           65,16,560
   140   141   142   143   144   145   146   147   148   149   150