Page 167 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
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                                APPENDIX A TO PART V.

                Return of Principal Article* of Export from Hohammerah during the gear 2899,

                                            1892.                1801.
                                      Qo&ntity,   Value.   Quantity.   Vnloc.

                                                   a                     £
            To Great Britain—
             Carpets   •             190 bundles   1,045   140 bundles    505*
             Wheat   •               190J tons    1,006*  1,230 tons    6,997

            To France—
             Sesame                2,403 cwt.     1,000     4S0 cwt.      195*
             Linseed                 160 „          80

           To Bnrsorah-Tnrkisb Arabia—
             Woo 1.   .   ,          1,000 bundles   5,500  184 bundles  1,104
             Rice ....                 174 bags     87

            To India—
             Barley   .               275 „         69    1,034 bags     260
             Beans •   ,              136 „         42     345 „         119
             Bugloss                 1,0S3 bundles   676   275 bundles   110
             Dates (dry)  .            89 bags      33A
                                        3 cases
             Do. .   .           {   1,217 tons   4,939 1  1,130 tons  4,479
             Ghee .                   177 cwt.     300
             Horses                   210 in no.   3,880   200 in no.   1,600
             Hides and skins          332 bags &   1,215   191 bags &    191
                                         bundles              bundles
             Linseed                  246 bags     123     762 bags      381
             Opium                     53 chests   3,710                •
             Medicine   .              67 bags     132
             Pearls   ,            HI,00,000 value   625                 214
             Reeds .                  479 bundles  1,197*  180 bundles   900
             Rice .                                        75* tons      600
             Specie and bullion     11207,240 value   26,360          12,282
             WTjeat                  1,296 bags    550$  23,124 bags   8,360
             Wool .   .              1,506 bundles  9,036  895 bundles  4,475
             Miscellaneous                         184*      • ••         82

           To Persia—
             Jpede.                               5,462*               3,358
                                                    48                   146
           ’r°8^ forts-
             Ghee ,   *                 • ••       125
             Miscellaneous             53 cwt       90
                                                    20*                 458

                         Total          • ••     67,538**             45,7’7
   162   163   164   165   166   167   168   169   170   171   172