Page 210 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
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                                             TABLE No.- 23.
                   Return of Principal Arliclet of Import! into the^Potii onthe^Arab Co at l of the Pertian Oulf

                                                        un.               1WL
                                                   Quantity.  Value.  Quantity,  ▼a*»e.

                                                              R                  M
                   Arina and ammunition                      86,000             10300
                   Cutu •     •                     600 cwta.  80,000  eobcirt*  86300
                   Cattle .   •   •                8.000 head   16,000  4.000 bead  16300
                   Coffee •   •   •                6,800 cwte.  2,60.000  6.000 cwta.  2.40.000
                   Coir and ooirrope •             7.000  „  60,000  7.000  „   60000
                   Cotton good*                    1.000 bdls.   3,00.000  1.000 bdls.   3^0,000
                   Thread and twist •               SOOowta.   16,000  300 Curts.   16300
                   Cotton (raw) •   •               660 „    10,000   600 „     10300
                   Dates .                       1.40.000  „  6,60.000  1,20,000 „  430000
                   Date-juioe t < .                2.000  w  12,000  2.000      10300
                   Drugs and medioinea             4.000  „  25.000  4.000  *   22300
                   Fruits and vegetables                     80.000             30300
                   Groin and pulse               1.60.000 cwta,   10.60,000  1,60,000 errta.   9.00. 000
                   Mata •                         60,000 pieces  80,000  60,000 pieces   30300
                   Metals .   •   •                1,300 cwta.   13.000   1,800 ewte.   18300
                    Don manufactures of             250 „    12,600   250 „     12300
                   on                              6.000  „  1,10,000  6.000  „  130300
                   Pearls .   .   •   •                      80.000            1.00. 000
                   Perfumery   .   .   •                     25.000             20300
                   Porcelain and China-ware                  16.000             10,000
                   Provisions and oilman's stores            45.000             40300
                                                   2.000 lbs.   12.000   2,000 lbs.  12,000
                   Silk { raw  *                   2,500 pieces   25,0-00   2.000 pieces   20,000
                   Spioes .   .   .                1,600 cwte.  35,000  1,600 cwts.  35300
                   Sugar .   .   •                 9.000  „   1,35,000  9.000  „   1.35.000
                   Tallow .                        1,600 „   35.000  1,600 lbs.  35.000
                   Timber and wood .                          25.000            25.000
                   "Wool •   •   •                  lOOcwta.   10.000   lOOcwta.   10.000
                   Woollen goods   .               1,600 pieces  22,000  1,600 paicea  22,600
                   Other articles .                          1,20,300          1.14.000
                                         Total              31,71,800          28,73300
                                         Specie             13,00,000          12,00,000
                                  GRAND TOTAL               44,71,800          40.73300

                                               TABLE No. 24.
                    Table thoving the Total Value of all Arliclet Exported from, and Imported into, the Porte on
                       the Arab Coatt of the Pertian Gulf to and from Foreign Countriee. during the wean
                       1893 and 1892.

                                                         Extort*.          Ixrom.
                                                      1893.   1891     1891     1891

                                                       R       R        R        R
                    British India and Colonies         5,000    6,500  4,91,600  4,62,000
                    Turkey                            87.000   66,500  1,78,500  1,28^00
                    Muscat and Dependencies          2,12,500  2,02,000  2,41,100  2,16,400
                    Bahrain .                         38.000   35,800   68,000  45,600
                    Persian Porta and Mekran        83,27,250  55,35,200  84,93,700  32,23,400
                    Zanzibar •   .
                                                       2,500    1,000   9,000    9,000

                                          Total     56,72,260  68,47,000  44,71,800  40,73,800
   205   206   207   208   209   210   211   212   213   214   215