Page 208 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
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                                              Table No. ID.
                    Return of Principal Article* of Import into Bahrain during the yearn 1893 and 1899.

                                                1W*.                    inn
                          Auras a.
                                           Quinlltj,   ValM.      QomsUtj.   ▼•Im.

                                            49 honwfl             60 Lorsoa   B
                                            66 camel ■  1
                                        1                         66 ceudoIo.   24.900
                  Animal* •                SI donkey*    22,060  1  26 donkoya  i
                  Apparel, wearing   •   •  1,600 piooos  12,800  1,650 pieces  12,400
                  Arm* and ammunition •                  10,270
                  Building material* •   •         ;     13.400               ****13,400
                  Cattle   .   .   •   •  32,120 bead    97,440   31,000 bead   91.000
                  Cbarooal   ,   •   •   •  0.600 orts.   19,800  9,600 cwta    19.000
                  Coffee   •   •   •   •  3.450   „     2,68,760  44*76   W    8,20,020
                  Coir and ooir-rope .   .  2,200 „      26.400   2,320  99     27.640
                  Confoctionory and preaorvea .   395  ft  9,870  600  ft       13,500
                  Cotton (raw) .   •   •  2.470   „      67,910  2,490   *      68.320
                  Cotton good* •          2,178 bundle*   5,63,250  2,496 bundle*   6,21,850
                  Thread and twi*t...      908 cwta.     67,410  833 arts.      48.800
                  Date-juioe f •   •   •  62,000 H      2,33,250  67,000   »*  1,88,000
                  Dreg* and modicine* •   > *  3,000  -B .  13,600  3.050  n    13.720
                  Djrcing tnd colouring material*        13.740                 11,890
                  Fruit* and vegetables .   •            18.040                 17,550
                 Fuel .   .   •   •                      21,470                 24.720
                  Gold laco and thread .  24,500 ewis.   21.500   23,500 cwts.  18.800
                 Grain and pulse   •   •                 27.0S0  800 bundle*    16,600
                  Hardware and cutlery   .  207,092 cwt*.  15,05,900  197,232 arte.  13,40,820
                  Hides and sfcins   •   .•              20,690                 12,230
                  Lemons, dry ...                        13,230                 11.020
                  Metals   •   «   •   •                 10,430
                   Do., manufactures of .  2,923 cwts.   63,450  2,039 ***ewU.   '"*41,710
                  Oil* ..............................  215  n  14,190
                 Pearls ....              4,755  ft      51.850   8,68*5 arts.  "*41,850
                 Perfumery ...                         12,22,000               17,20,000
                  Provisions   ...                       19,000                 19,610
                  Shells, (mcther-o’-F-oal).           0,03.370                  92.310
                                          4,100 arts.    45,COO   2,200 art*.   22.600
                    \ manufactures of .*   3,365 ibs.    27,150   2,60-0 lbs.   22,950
                 Spices ...»              6,300 pieces   41,CCD   5.V-C0 pieces   47,680
                                          1,831 arts.
                 *»» &  :      :   :       875  »»       41,300  1,105 errts.   42.000
                 Tallow   .              ,3,000  >»      6*1,000   3,030 cwts.  61.540
                 Timber aud wood •   •     650           18.700   967  n        20,670
                 Tobacco .   .   «   •                   48,770                 46,600
                 Wool .     •   •   •     4,320 art*.    89,100  6,030 csrt*.  1,02,550
                 Woollen goods ...         310   „       11.040  350  • •        11,900
                 Other articles ...        95 bundles.   47.850   91 bundles    38,620
                                                         66,780                 68,450
                            Total                      50,90.310               63,09,650
                            Specie                     21,45,000               22,73,000
                         GRAND TOTAL                   72,35,310               76.81,650
                                             Table No. 20.
                  Table shoving the Total 7 alue of all Articles Exported from, and Imported into, Bahrain to
                             a nd from Foreign Countries, during the years 1893 and 1892.
                                                Exrora.                I Brora.
                                            1893.       law.       I8BX       1*81.
                                               B          B           B         B
                  British India and Colonies .   38,39,486  61,04,200         43,64,833
                  Turkey .   .   •   .   .   21,09.397  22.29,690   42,00,769  23,37.620
                  Muscat and Dependencies      25,100    32,000     19,66,700   81.440
                  Maritime States on the Arab Coaat                   68,300
                   of the Gulf   .   .   .   .  3,44,848  2,60,605   2fi7,700  8,45,660
                  Persian Port* and Mekrao .   .  2,14.609
                  Zanzibar •   •   .   •   .   16,220   2,09,096     7 fib,500   6,22,639
                       Total .                64,49,669  78,49,090  72,35,369  76,81,707
   203   204   205   206   207   208   209   210   211   212   213