Page 203 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
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                                      TABLE No. 10.
               Return ef Principal Article* of Import into Lingah during the gear* 1893 and 1892,

                                          1898.                  1891.
                                    Quantity.   Vuloo.     Quantity.   Tolas.

                                                  R                     R

            Animals  •   •   •       136 head     11,200     ««•        •••
            Apparel, wearing        4,550 pieces  18.400  6,600 pieces   16,160
            Books and printed matter                         50 cases    11,260
            Building materials     6,500 tons.    11,000   6.000 tons.   10,000
            Candles  •   •   •                   • ••      1,250 cases   10,000
            Canvas   •   •   •      1.100  cwte.  66,000   1,300 cwts.   66,000
            Cattle   •   ■   •      7.500  head   26,260  10.000  head   80,000
            Cocoanuta ■    •         700 cwts.    10,600    800 cwte.    11.400
            Coffee   •   •   •      8.500  „    1.92.600  3,760 „       1,87,500
            Coir end coir-rope .    2,050 „       24.600  2.000  „       24.000
           Colton goods «   •       8,GOO bales   18.92.000   8,980 bales   14.71.000
           Thread and twist   .     1,700 cwts.   61,200   1,900 cwts.   68.400
            Cotton (raw)             S50 „        11,000    590 „        10,450
            Dates   •   .   •      61,000 „    ' 1,83,000  60.000  „   1.25.000
            Drags and medicines •   8,750 „       87.600  4,200 „        33.600
            Dyeing and colouring mate­
             rials   .   .          6.100  „      80.600  6,000 „        86.000
            Earthern-ware .   .                              • ••        12,000
            Fruit and vegetables .  8,C57 cv7ts.   51.200   5.000  „     64.500
            Fuel   .   ,   ,        9,440 „       75,520  12,800 tons.   89.600
            Furniture ,   .   .                   15.500                 19.000
            Gold embroidered cloth                          240 pieces   12.000
           Gold lace .   .   .       600 lbs     ’i’2,000   650 lbs.     11,000
           Grain and pulse .   ,  1,77,C0U cwts.   9.72.600  1,59,750 cwts.   8,97,600
            Hardware and cutlery      74 cases    18.500     SO cases    20,000
           Jute, manc£cotare3 of ,   850 cvrts.   12,000    425 cwts.    10,160
            Leather, and manufactures o          22,000                  26,000
            Lemons, dry .   ,       1.700  cwts.   80,600  1.500  cwts.   27.000
           Mats   .    .           28,750 pieces  11.500  SO,000 pieces  12.000
           Metals                  2.700  cwts.   52.000  8.000  cwts.   50.000
            Do., manufactures of     600 „        16.200    500 „        17.400
           Oil. ...                 6,800 w      52.500   5.500  „       57.000
           Pearls   ,                          42.05.000               48.60.000
           Perfumery .     .                     18.000                  19.000
           Porcelain and China-ware   200 cases  10,000     800 cases    15.000
           Provisions .                         1.17.000               1.16.000
           Salt                     4,500 tons   22.500    8,900 tons
           Seeds                     850 cwts.    15,300    800 cwts.    19,5C0
           Shells (mother-o’-pearl)  5,286* „   1.12.000   6,600 „     1,38,400
            Silk *  raw             1,100 lbs.    11,000  1,500 lbs.    15.000
               { manufactures of                 29.400                 31,700
           Spices                   8,420 cwts.   85.500   3,600 cwts.  90.000
                rcandy .             600 „       12,000    800
           Sugar-j loaf              800 „        16,800   500  M       14.400
                 crashed            4,800 ,      86.400   5,250   „     89,250
                                     800 „       19,200   1,000 „       24.000
                   ; ;               227 cases   13.500    250 cases
           Timber and wood                       46.000                 14.500
           Tobacco .                6,800 cwts.   71.000  2,700 cwts.   44.000
           ^oollen good* .            95 bales   95.000     90 bales    28.000
           Other articles                                              1.02.000
                                                 86,400                  72,260
                       Total                   84,73,870              91,58,500
                       Specie                  81,84,000              82,00,000

               grand TOTAL           • ••     1,16,67,870            1,23,58,600

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