Page 202 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
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                                               TABLE No. 9.
                       Return of Principal Article! of Export to Lingah during the yean 1893 and'1899.

                                                   1898.                  IBM.
                                            Quantity.   Valna.     Quantity.

                   Apparel, wearing:   •                          5,400 picoeo   13.600
                   Books and printed matter                         25 cases     10,000
                   Canvas                   820 cwts.     41.000  1,100 cwto.    66,000
                   Cattle                  3,140 bead     11.000  4,000 head     10,000
                   Cocoanuta                                       770 cwto.     10,000
                   Coffee                  3,000 cwts.   1.65.000  3.5U0   „    1.67.000
                   Coir and coir-rope   •  1,208 „        14.500   1,376   „     16.500
                   Cotton goods   •   •    3,353 bales   12,30,800  8,800 bales   13.27.000
                   Thread and twist   .    1,164 cwta.    41,550  1,125 cwts.    40.600
                   Dates ...            .  87,333   „    1.12.000  42.000   n    85.000
                   Dru^s and medicines .   .  3,312*   „  26.500   3,200   „     24,100
                   Dyeing and colouring materials   3,750   „  22,600   4,Ono *  26.000
                   Fruits and vegetables.  2,900   „      40,CU0   3,230   „     42.000
                    Fuel ....              3,600 tons     26,000   4,U0O tons    28.000
                   Furniture   •   •                                             12,000
                    Grain and pulse   •   125,850 cwts.   7.58.000  123.000  cwts.   6.92.000
                    Hardware and cutlery     50 cases     12.500     54 cases    13.500
                    Hides and skins                       17,300     • ••        20.500
                   Lemons, dry   •  .   •   .  1,222 cwts.   22,000   1,200 cwt8.   21.600
                    Metals ....            1,820 „        28,000   1,960   „     33.600
                     Do., manufactures of   475   „       11.500    350          12.600
                    Oils                   3,520   „      84.500   4,298   I* „  41.000
                   Pearls   .   .                       42,05,000              48.50.000
                   Perfumery                              11,400                 10,800
                    Porcelain and China-ware                        220 cases    11.000
                    Provisions .   .                      *78,000                69.000
                    Salt   .   .           3,600 tons     18,000   2,700 tons    13.500
                    Seeds                    683 cwts.    10.500    611 cwte.    11.000
                    Shells (mother-o'-pearl)   5,266*   „  1.12.000  7,040   „  1,47,200
                            raw .
                           {  manufactures of             19.500                 21.500
                      Silk                                         1,00U lbs.    10,000
                    Spices                 2,540 cwts.    63.500   2,800 cwts.   70.500
                           Ccandy            476  a       10/00     650          11,700
                      Sugar < loaf           476          10,000         a
                            crushed        3,361   „      60.500   3,647 cwts.   *62,000
                    Tallow .   .             521   a      12.500    550  n       18,200
                    Tea .                    150 cases    10.000    149 cases    10,000
                    Timber and wood                       28.500                 80,000
                    Tobacco .              5,850 cwts.    56.000   1,900 cwts.   20,000
                    Woollen goods ,          87 bales     87.000    68 bales     80,000
                    Otber articles .                     1,25,500               1,17,160

                                                        75,39,150              82,59,950

                                                        80,02,000              80,70,000

                       GRAND TOTAL
                                              t ••    1,05,41,160    • ••    1,13,29,950
   197   198   199   200   201   202   203   204   205   206   207