Page 204 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
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                                              TABLE No. 11.
                    ?m6U Mowing the Total Value of all Articles Exported from, and Imported into, Lingah to
                                •nd from Foreign Countries, during the yean 1893 and 1892.
                                                         Exports.          Imports.
                                                      1895.   1893.    1895.    189*.

                                                       R       R        R        R
                   •Great Britain . .   .   •   •   •  97,666   1^2^800
                    British India and Colonics   i   •   •  49,55,500   54,71,400  49, W,170   48,66,02P
                    Turkey •    ..       .   •   •   6,S5,100   5,59,850  5,58,800   6,25,100
                    Muscat and Depccdcndee «  . ..   1,55,850 '  1,87,100  1,54,500  6,01,856
                    Bahrein and other maritime States in tho
                     Golf                           85,52,400  37,05,160  38,87,600  42,34,800
                    Zanzibar                           9,700.   9,800   13,900    11,100
                                      Total   41-   92,85,550  1,00,10,100  95,86,970  1,01.27,870

                                               TABLE No. 12.
                                 Return of Shipping at the Port of IAr.gah in the year 1893.

                                                 SillXNO.      Steam.         Toth*
                                              No. of        No. of        No. of
                                             Vessels.  Tods.  Vessels.  Tons.  Vessels.  Tons.
                    British .                  1C2  18,5C0    75  142,500   207  160,000
                    Persian .                  285  11,050          • ••    SCO  11,050
                    Arab                       205   6,500                  205   6,600
                    Turkish                     65   8,800     2   2,400     57   6,£C0
                    Mascat .                    60   2,400          • ••     GO   2,400
                    French .                     6    280                    6     280

                                   Total        724  37,530   77  144,900   801  182,480

                    Tltal fob the tzah preceding .  809  40,125  82  154,000  891  194,725

                                                 8AILZ50.      Stzlax.       Total.
                                              No. of        No. of        Na of
                                              Vessels.  Tods.  Vessels.  Tons.  Vessel*.  Tons.
                    British .                   157  18,126    76  142,500  282  155,625
                    Persian .                   206  10,025                 206  10,026
                    Arab .                      205  6,500                  205   6,600
                    Turkish                     65   8,800     2   2,400     57   8,200
                    Muscat .                     60  2,400                   60   2,400
                    French •                     6     280          • ••      6    280

                                   Total        689  86,130    77  144,900  766  181,080

                    Total fob thb tiab pbecediko .  644  38,110  82  162,600  726  195,710
   199   200   201   202   203   204   205   206   207   208   209