Page 198 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
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                                               TABLE Nt. 1.
                      Return of Principal Article* of Export from But hire during the yean 1893 amd 1899,

                                                        1893.              1801
                                                  Quantity.  Vain*.   Quantity,  Vahu.
                                                                a                   *
                                                  480 hone*    78.000  487 hero on
                    Cattle .                     10,000 head   20.000  15,000 fc«*d   78,050
                    Cotton (raw).   •            87,203 owta.   8,14.190  81,350 cwta.  .2?:S2
                    Cotton good*   •              101 pkge*.   23.G10  828 pkge*.
                    Date* .   •   •              9,438 onto.   33,280  11,470 cwta. .   85.880
                    Drag* and medicine*          2,924   n     43,870  1,203  ••   40,740
                    Dyoing and colouring I       2,184  •i     15,200  I, 526 *    86,540
                    Fruit* and vegetable*        88.293   „   1,27,770  *2.300   "  4,28,210
                    Ghoe .                        760 pkge*.   21,720
                    Grain and poise .            8,071 owto.   25,450  37,416 carta.   *U2,530
                    Gam •   •   •                23.913   „   2,41,200  22,053    1,17,250
                    Hide* and ikina .            8,517 pkgog.  2,81,400  1,939  M »•  140,120
                    Jowolry                        5 caeca     48,500
                    Opium •   ♦                  8,346 cheat*  S3.4C.C00  5,417 incuts  54,17,300
                    Paarla .                                   8,440               5,000
                                                 6,790 caa oa
                    Perfumery (roao-water)      { 9,210 carboy*  }  86^30  curboyo  }  1,84,950
                    Provision*  .   .   •         5S3 pkgoe.   8.450   5,557 pigeo.   8,00,850
                                                 10,428 cwta.   55.520  9,929 cartn.
                    Shells (mothcr-o’-pearl)     15,743 pkgce.  4,25,0^0  II, 291 pkgce.  8.04,850
                    Silk (raw)   .   .            334   H     2,59,310             91,550
                    Sopor, loaf  .   ,   «       1,102 CMOS    27,550
                    Tobaooo   .   .   ,          18,693 owto.   2.93.910  35,250 carlo.   “644.690
                    ■Wool.....................................  8.401   „  72.450   97.950
                    'Woollen good* (carpet*)     1,203 pkgce.  11,67,290  4S92 pkgce.  2,83.370
                    Othor article* . .   .                    1.11.910             £8,530
                                       Total                 76.63,700           91,49,050
                                       Specie                 8,1S,240            9,44.860
                               GRAND TOTAL .                 84.61,940          l.W.93^10
                                               TABLE No. 2.
                       Return of Principal Article* of Import into Buxhirc during the gear* 1S83 and 1892.
                                                        1893.              1S92.
                                                   Quantity.  Value.  Quantity.  Vain*.
                    Apparel . . . ,                45 caaca    22.500             J?
                    Arm* and ammunition .   ,      83 pkges.   14.330
                    Candlea «...                  2,303 cwta.   1,03.30)   25 pkfres.   8,120
                    Coffee........................................  220 „   15,920   364 cwta.  11,640
                    Cotton good* .   .   ,       24,721 pkge*.  76,66,430          43,950
                    Thread and twist .   .         399   ,.   1,13.400  32,403 pkgoe.   1,00,63.530
                    Dote* .
                                                                      3S7  „
                    Drugs and medicine* .   .     7,250 cwt*.   24.000           T©.«o
                                                  3,525 pkge*.
                    Dyeing and colouring material*  629   „   1,3S,700  4,805 cwta.
                    Fuel.......................................  2.183 ton*.   26,910  698 pkges.   14.920
                    Glaaa and glass-ware •   ,                 67.5S0  2,954 tons.   49,250
                    Gold lace amd thread .   .    1,739 pkgea.  74,690  2,348 pkges.  63,310
                    Grain and pnlae .   .         6,718 cwta.   20.000             48,200
                    Haberdashery   .   ,           58 pkges.   43 530   10,664 cart*.  48,330
                    Hardware and cutlery .         309         17,200
                    Hide* .   .   .   .            131  »»     81,350   408 pkgea.  35,490
                    Indigo.   •   .   •   .       4,255 cwta.   10,430
                    Jute, manufacture* of.         813 pkges.   7,63.150  8,117 cwta.   *M9,500
                    Lamp* and lamp-ware .   .      708 cwt*.   56,760  637 pkge*.   43.920
                    Liquors, wines and spirit* .              1,62,600  182 ease*   36,400
                    Matches ....                  4,470 pkgea.  75,650  1,988  „   87,530
                                                   945 case*
                    Metal*, oopper .             19,705 cwt*.   87,800
                     Do. inn   •    ,                         9,34,480
                     Do. tin ...                  9,585  99    89,130             8,76,140
                     Do. other sort* .   .        1,136        95,400  I  41,288 ewt*.
                    Metal*, manufacture* of            „       29.830
                                                   467 pkgea.
                    Oil, keroebo ...              8.100 case*   87,410   2,399 pkgea.   1,26.530
                    Do., other sort* .   .   .                 36,450
                                                   702 cwt*.
                    Procelain and China-ware .    1.623 cases   6,120  {• 7,664 ewta.   60,090
                    Provision* and oilman's stores            1,23.300  1,192 pkgea.
                    8ilk, manufactures of .   .   0.500 pkge*.  56,950            •ffiS
                    8pio**.......................................  49  62,750      14,800
                    Stationery ....               7,485 ewt*.  2,13^50  8,344 ewta.  1,19,040
                                                  410 pkge*.
                    Sugar, loaf ...                            51.830   352 pkgea.   43,050
                     Do., soft .   .   .   *.    60.652 cWtT   12,78,740   85,606 cwta.   10,89,900
                    Tea ....        .            71,539   w  1134.470   72,619  „  11,12^90
                    Timber and wood              12,529  »   12,27.590  7.808 „   7,94.710
                    Woollen good* .                            75,170              64,650
                    Other nmoles ...              426 pkges.  4,13,350  101 p*r~.  77,810
                                                               91,270             2,60,700
                                       Total                                    1,63,55,780
                                  Bullion and specie
                                                              2,08^40             1,03,120
                          GRAND TOTAL
                                                            1.56,87,950          1,64,58.830
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