Page 255 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
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            twined until the end of August when there was a slight fall to krana 49|,
            followed by a steady rise to krans 52 until the end of November when it sud~
            denly advanced to krans 50, advancing again to krana 57 at the close of the
                Jfulc hire*—The rate of mule hire between Bushire and 8hirax varied
            from krans 65 to 76 per 100 mdns during the months of January, February,
            and March; in April it fell to krans 30—35 for the Bame weight, to rise wgaiw
            in October to krans 100. In November it reached the unprecedented fignre
            of krans 195 for 100 m&ns for piece-goods, and 200 krans or loaf-su gar and
            case goods, a rate which, while it lasted, is stated to have paralysed all trade
            between Bushire and the north.
               Freights,—The rate of freights at the commencement of the year showed a
            considerable improvement on the rates ruling at the close of 1893. Daring the
            months of January and February B28—30 per ton was demanded and obtained;
            but the keen competition betweeu the steamship companies despatching vessels
            to the Gulf which ensued had the effect of reducing this rate to H20 per ton and
            finally to B18 per ton. Several steamers of the " Clan Line ” ran for the first
            time to the Gulf ports and Basreh during the year, and it is stated to be the
            intention of the Directors of this steamship company to establish a regular
            service of steamers between England and the Gulf.

                                               F. A. WILSON, Colonel,
                                             Political Resident, Persian Gulf.

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