Page 260 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
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                                                TABLE No. 3.
                    Table ehomng the Total Value of all Arltclet Exported from, and Imported inti, Enthire u
                                  and from Foreign Counlriet, during the yeart 1894-93,   1
                                                           IiKin.           Inoata.
                                                        im.     into.    IBM.
                                                        &        P.      Jt       Jt
                    Great Britain ....                17.64.370   17.10,770   00.13,960  77,39,380
                    Other European countries  .   •   •  62,270   62,280   9,21,830  12,32,760
                    British lndu find oolonien  •   •   •  18,70,660   26,63,1G0*   C94U.OOO  62.44,200
                    Egypt..................................................  4.24s 600   6.23,400   28,800  *1,040
                    Turkey ......                     11,32,020  3,12,720  L76.990  1,30,050
                    Asiatic Russia (Batoum)  .   •                       48.000
                    Mast at and dependencies ...        25.870  13,020   23,980   W.170
                    Bahrein and other Maritimo Slatos in the Gulf   1,45,160  1,14,880  12,670  29.150
                    Zanzibar                            7.220            19.650   16,600
                    China                             41,16.490  29,19^000  2,28,650  99,670
                    Algiers                              420
                                             Total    95.35.5SO  82,13,220  1.80,61,430  1.55.31,970
                                * Capers 1.C0.4M emitted from the retain tor lt!)3 bare been Included In these Cfure*.
                                                TABLE No. 4.
                                 jRcturn of Shipping at the Port of Buthirc in the year 1694.
                                                    Sailing.      Stzjlv.      Tot as.
                               Nation alitt.
                                                 No. el       No. or       No. of
                                                 Vessel*.  Tons.  Vessels.  Tons.  Vessel.  Tons.
                    British .                      35   6.800  111   129.638  146  136.438
                    Turkish .                      40   6.400   2     2.GGS  42    9,063
                    Norwegian                                   6     7,203  6     7,203
                    Persian .                     150   6.000               150    C.000
                    Maskat .                       60   6.000                CO    6.000
                    Arab                           30   1.600                30    1.C0O
                    French .                                    2     LOOO   2     1.0CO
                                        Total     315   26.800  121  MO,609  436  167,309
                           Total for the year preceding  220  15.475  111  119.566  331  135.011


                                                    Bail res.     Btsak.       Tosal
                                                 No. of       No. of        No. of  Tooa
                                                 Vessels,  Tons.  Vessel*.  Tom.  Vessels.
                     British .                     35          109   123,196  144  129.996
                     Turkish •                     40            2    2,778  42    9,178
                     Norwegian                                   6    7,203   6    7,203
                     Persian •                    i60                       150    6.000
                     Maskat .                      60                        GO    6.000
                     Arab                          30                        30    1,600
                     French .                                    1     600    1     600

                                        Total     315   26,800  118  133,677  433  160,477
                           Total for the year preceding  218  15,310  306  114,607  334  129,847
   255   256   257   258   259   260   261   262   263   264   265