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                                                   TABLE No. 7.
                              Return of Principal Articles of Export from Shiran during He yean 1694-93,

                                                           ism.                 IMS.
                                                     Quantity.  Value.   Quantity.
                                                                 /?                  It
                       Animals •   •                 620 head   1.04.000   1,020. head   1.03*50
                       Cotton (raw) .               3.000 hales   81,000  35,000 bales   9.10.000
                        Drags and medioines          600 bandies  6,000   600 bundles   10,000
                                                    6.000   »   2 A),000 ■)
                       Fruits and vegetables [ otheTkinds’  1,600  16*00 j  12 AX)  ft  5.34.000
                       Gold and gold coin .   .   •   •   ft                        1.80.000
                       Gam ..••••                    300 pkges.   *4,500  1,160 pkges.   13.800
                       Hides and skin •   •   •      800 bundles   2.56.000   68,000 pieces   41,600
                       Opium.   •   •   •   •   •   3,050 chests   61,35,000  4,500 chests  36*0*00
                       Prefumory (rosewater)  •   •   •  2,000 pkpes.   14.000  3.000 bundles  24.000
                       Seeds ...................................................  1,500 buudleo  15.000  1.000  99  10 AX)
                       Bilk (raw)........................................  200  ii  32.000
                       Bilk, manufactures of   •   •   •  60     20.000   40 bundle*   32*00
                       Tobaoco........................................  22,000 bags*   4.84.000  16,000 baps   2.10.000
                       W ool ••••••                                      300 bundles   liooo
                       Woollen poods (carpets)  .   .   •  2,000 bales  8,00]000  3,000 bales  13.50.C00
                       Other articles (antiques, ornamontal boxos   40,000           24,200
                                          Total        • ••    72,10,000   • ••    71,30,800
                                                    TABLE No. 8.
                              Return of Principal Articles of Imports into Shiraz during the years 1894-93.

                                                            1BU                 183.
                                                     Quantity.  Value.   Quantity.  Valet.

                                                                 ft                   ft
                        Arms and ammunition          250 cases   1,10.000   120 cases  36.000
                        Candles   .   9             4*00  .,     6'*,400   6,f00     46.000
                        Coffee   •   •               3U0 pkges.  18.000   60 pkges.   5,000
                        Cotton goods   •           59.000 bales   1,54.00.00  38,000 bales   91.CO.OX)
                        Thread and twist •           400 „       48.000   600 „      60,000
                        Drugs and medicines          725 pkges.  32,480  2,000 boU.*   2.400
                        Glass and glassware         . 400 cases   38.400  600 ca*es   60.400
                        Gold embroidered olotb        40 bales.  22.000   30 bales   18,000
                        Gold lace and thread                     14.400               9*00
                        Hardware and cutlery         200 cases   20.000   100 cases   10,000
                        Indigo .   •                 600 bandies   1,10,000  600 bundles   1,35.000
                        Liquors, wines and spirits   600 cases   96.000   2SO pkges.   39.000
                            7 copper .              10.000 cwts.   6.60.000  8,000 cwts.  3*4,000
                            1 iron                  2,000 „      24.000  2,500 „     50.000
                        Metals < brass               250 pkges.   14.000
                              tin                    450 cwts.   37.000
                              other sorts            660 pkges.  9,900    600 pkges.   45.000
                        Oil (kerosine)              6.000 cases  60.000   4,000 cases   40.000
                        Porcelain and Chinaware     1.000  „     68,000   1*00 *     96.000
                        Spices .                    3,000 pkges.  90,000  4,000 pkges.  1,12,000
                              loaf .                22.000 cases                   11,52,000
                        8ngar J                                 7.92.000  32.000 cases
                              crashed •             14.000 bags  3.08.000  24.000 bags.   6,72*00
                        Tea                         12.000 cases   9.60.000  8,800 cases  6,10*00
                        Woollen goods                 180 bundles  3.16.000   60 bandies  1*0.000
                        Other articles                          8,08,800    •••      13*00
                                          Total        • ••   1,94,97*80    • ••  1*7,45*400
                                          Bullion                                   2*0*00
                                    GBAND TOTAL        • ••   1*4,97,380    • M   1*9,45,400

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