Page 264 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
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                                               TABLE No. 10.
                          JRcturn of Principal Articlet of Importt into Ling ah during the yean 1894-93
                                               Qu&uUlj.    Valoo.    Qatotitj.
                                                             R                     U
                    Animals ....               297 brad     13,760   130 head     11 #200
                    Apparel, woaring   •   •  8,700 piecos   12.900   4,650 pioccs  13.400
                    Boobs and printed matter   CO oases.    11,250
                    Building material (lime)   6,000 tons   10,000  6.500 tons    11,000
                    Canvas •   .   •   •      1,300 cwts.   65.000   1.100 cwts.  65.000
                    Cattle .                  0,600 hoad    22,750  7.500 head    26,250
                    Cocoanuts .   •   •   •    800 cwta.    11.900   700 cwte.    10.500
                    Coffee ....               3,000 „      2.10,000  3.600  „    1,92,500
                    Coir and coir-rope        2,000 „       21.000   2.050  „     24.600
                    Cotton goods   •   .   •  3,320 bales  14,53,500  3.600 bales   13,92,000
                    Thread and twist   •      1,600 cwts.   71.000  1,700 cwts.   61,200
                    Cotton, raw   .   •        750 „        13.800   350  *       11.000
                    Dates ....                70,000 H     1.75.000  61,000 „    1,83.000
                    Drugs and medicines .   •  3,050  „     30.500  3,750  „      37.500
                    Djcing and colouring materials   6,500 „  33.000  6.100  „    30.600
                    Earthenware ...                         10.900                ...%
                    Fruits and vegetables •   3,325 cwts.   40,550   3.657 cwts.   51.200
                    Fuel ....                 8,000 tons    72.010  9,410 tons    75,520
                    Furniture ....              • ••        13.500                15,500
                    Gold embroidered cloth .  I   200 piece*  10.000
                    Gold lace ....              550 lbs.;   11,000   600 lbs.     12,000
                    Grain and pulse   •   •  !  191,325 cwts.  10,58,050  1,77,000 cwts.   9.72.600
                    Hardware and outlery .      80 cases    20,000    74 cases    18.500
                    Jute and manufactures of    300 cwts.   10,400   350 cwts.    12,000
                    Leather and manufactures of             23.500                22-000
                    Lemons, dry   •           2,000 cwts.   36.000  1.700 cwts.   30,609
                    Mats   .   .   •          30,000 pieces   12.000  23.750 pieces  11.500
                    Metals ....               3,1G0 cwts.   64.000   2.700 cwts.  61000
                    Metals, manufacture of .   •  650  „    18,300   500  „       16*00
                    Oils   .                   5,500 „      66.000  5,300  „      52.500
                    Pearls   .                            39.85.000              42.a5.0W
                    Perfumery   .   .   .                   20,600                18.000
                    Porcelain and Chinaware .   260 cases   13.000   200 cases     10/300
                    Provisions   .   •                     1,16,000              1,17/000
                    Salt   .   .      .  .     6,000 tons   30.000   4,500 tons   21500
                    Seeds   •   •               890 cwts.   16,020    850 cwts.    15.300
                    Shells, mother-o'-pearl    2,450  „     66,200   6,266J *    1,11000
                    Silk, raw •                ,1,200 lbs.  12 .OjO  1,100 lbs.    11/00
                    Silk, manufactures of        • ••       25.800                 29.400
                     Spices   •   •            3.500 cwts.   87.500  3,420 cwts.   85.500
                          candy •               650 „       13.000    600 „        12/300
                     Sugar jloaf               1.500  „     31/00     800 „        16,800
                          crushed .            6,000 „      76,000   4,800         86.400
                     Tallow                     600 *       14,400    800 „        19,200
                     Tea .                      250 cases    14.000   227 oases    1X/00
                     Timber and wood                        60.000                 46.000
                     Tobaoeo                   6,900 cwts.  85.000   6,800 ewts.
                     ■Woollen goods .            93 bundles  93.000   96 bundles   95.000
                     Other articles                         92,950                 86.400
                                   Total                   84,71/20
                                   Specie        • M       33,10,000
                                                                                L16.5 7/70
                             GRAND TOTAL                  1,17,81,520
   259   260   261   262   263   264   265   266   267   268   269