Page 269 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
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                                       TABLE No. 19.
                 Return of Principal Articles of Imports into Bahrein during the yean 1894-98,
                                               IBM.                1*1.
                                          Quantity.  Tolie.   Qoivnllty.  Yalao.
                                                       X       42 horses   X
                                           35 horses
                                       l   40 donkeys   |   19,410 ^  31 donkoys   22,060
             Aniosls *   *   •             40 aunclo           66 csmelo  ]
             Apparel.   •                l,Gb6 pieces  13,740  1,600 pioocs  12,800
             Armi sad umnuniuon  .                    14,850              10.270
             Building wstetuk .         30,3oVhcad    16,100              13.400
             c*ttl« .                                08,160  32.120 head   07,440
             Charcoal •   •   •         11,1(0 cvrta.   2i.9>0  9,600 cwto.   19,800
             Coffee   •                  3.150 „    2.46.700  3.460 „    2,68,760
             Coir sod eoir-ropa .   •    2.380 *     27.370  2,200 „      26.400
             Coafectioneij and preoerveo                      395 „       9,870
             Cotton, raw •   •   •       2,750 cwts.   62.670   2,470 „   67,910
             Cotton pood*                2,320 bales   6,60,700   2,178 bale*   6.63.250
                                                              908 owta.
             Thread and twist  •   •      932cwts.    69, ICO   62,( 00 „   67,410
             Data .                      69.500 „    2.44,670            2.33.250
             Dites juice . _ % •         2.900 „      12,450  3,000 *     13.600
              Droga aud medicines                     13.950              13.740
              Dyeing arid colouring materud           17.950              18,OW
              Fruits aud vegetables                   22,350              21.470
             Fuel ....                   28,000 cwt3.  29.500   24,500 cvrts.  24.500
             Gold la:e   .   •   •                    25.750              27.080
             Grain and pulse  .   .     213,400 cw is.  16,53.850  207,092 cwts.  16,05,900
              Hardware and cutlery                    19.200              20.890
              Hides aud fkics  .         15,450 pieces   10.260           13,280
             Lemous, dry   .   •           575 cwts.   10.950             10,160
              Metals   .   .   .         2,570 „      63.140   2,928 owts.  63,450
             Metals, man u fact cron of .  245 „      lG.ohO   215 „      14.190
             Oils .                      5,040 „      55.200   4,755 „    64.850
              Tearls   .   •                        17.86.500           12,92,000
              Perfumery  •   ' .                      15G40               19.000
              Provisions  .   .   .                  1,16.690            1,03,370
             Shells mother-o'-pearl .     3,450 cvris.   37.500   4,100 cwts.   46.000
                 raw                      3.1K> lb*.   25.680   3,365 lbs   27,150
              Silk  i manufactures of     5,470 pieces   43.250   5.300 pieces   41.600
              Spices .                    1,930 cwts.  45,800   1,831 cwts.  41.500
                                           ew „
                                                               875 „
                  & :                     3,250 „     16.&0   3,000 „     17.500
              Tallow                       SeO *      19.200   850 „       18,700
              Timlcr tad wood .                       45.650               48,770
              Tobacco .   .               4,550 cwts.  91.200   4,326'cwts.   89,100
              Wool .                    !  2 SO       10.100   310         11,040
              Woollen gi-ods .              85 bundles  43,700   95 bandies  47.850
              Other articles                          77,040               56,780
                               Total                 67,56.230           60,90,310
                                Specie               19,46.700           21,45,000
                         GRAND TOTAL                 77,02,930           72,35,310
                                        TABLE No. 20.
               Table showing He Total Value of all Article* Exported from, and Imported into, Bahrein, to
                           aud from Foreign Countries, during the years 1894-93.
                                                Exroan.             Inont.
                                            1894.     1893.     IBM.      1883.
                                              X         X         X         X
              •British India and colonics  49,76,430   38,39,485  47,94,880  42,00,769
              Turkey........................................  23.01,500   21,09.397  19,81,610  19.66.700
              JJaskat and dependencies   .   \   *  28,800   25.1(0  70,560  68,300
               gS?' SutM 00 th® Ccut of tb®   2,15,910  2.44,848  2,83,290  8,07,700
              tw^Po,u,na MtW _ . .
                                            2.36,850  2,14.609  6,60,300  7,65.600
                                             11,200    16,220    22,300    36,400
                                Total      77,70.690  64.49,659  77,03,930  72,36.369
   264   265   266   267   268   269   270   271   272   273   274