Page 274 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 274


                    Table ekowing average Tonnage of feteele entering and leaving the Port of Maekat duri
                                              twelve monlkt 1894 95.               V Ike
                                   [ Class A.—EaropcHu and American. Class B.—Native cmfl. ]
                                                       A ur»f» totmu*
                          TV mi mini jjre iikurioi.  l»mn       ToUl imtfi
                                                  numbtt.  of eseh ft«wL
                    Amorioa •   .
                    Coal tmmIs   •                  1      1,500   1.600
                    India                           12      900    10.800
                    London steamers                 6      1,600   8.000
                    Mail steamers                   75     1,300   07.600
                    Manritins and Bourbon           1       203     900
                    Persian Gnlf and Basreb         20     1.200   24,000
                    Red Sea Ports  .                8      1,000   8.0)0
                    Zanzibar .    • •               1      1,000   1.000
                                         Total     123     8,700  151,000

                     India                          PO      100    9,000
                    llckran Coa«t                   70      60     3,500
                    Persian Gulf                    50      75     3,750
                    Yemen .                         30      120    3,COO
                    Zanzibar •                      18      120    2,160
                                         Total     258      465    22,010
                            GRAND TOTAL A asd B    331    9,165   173.010


                                          Estimate for tie year 1894-95.

                               Amelia.             Qoaatitj.  Valoe In dollin.  To «b»l place cbltflj exported.

                     American cloth                150 bales   11, VO  Persian Golf.
                     Almonds .                     40 baps       350  India.
                     AMifcetida                     6 tkms       120  Do.
                     Aloes                        1.000 „       6.000  1>°.
                     Aloes srood                    15 boxes    4.000  Persian Golf.
                     Bndrbud •                     400 bags     1,600  Jeddah.
                     Cotton                       1,000 „      22,000  India.
                     Cotton fabrics                350 boxes   160.000  Zanzibar, Yemen, etc.
                     Cotton seeds                  600 baps          India.
                     Canvas, Arabian               700 rolls         Bed Sea.
                     Cloves                         60 bags          India and Persian Gulf.
                                                 75.000  „     140.000  India, Africa, etc.
                                                 60.000  „     300.000  Do. ditto.
                                                 22,000 „      65.000  India, Yemen, eto.
                                                 30,000 boxes  80.000   America and India.
                     Date juice                    200 slcioa    500  India.
                     Dried limes .                             35.000   Persian Gnlf and India.
                     Dragon's blood  •             150 boxes    1,200   Do. ditto.
                     Donkeys  .   •                150 in No.   2.200  India and Mauritius.
                     Fruit   .   •                             45.000  India.
                     Fisb                        50.000'in No.   13.000  India and Mauritius.
                     Fish, small for manor       30.0U0 bags   20.000  India.
                     Fish, sounds                 6,000 in No.   800  Do.
                     Gbee   •   •                  500 dubbas        Zanzibar and India.
                     Garlic   .   •                125 bags          Zanzibar,
                     Goafs hair.                   150 „             llasreh.
                     Henna   •   •                 250 *             Persian Gulf.
   269   270   271   272   273   274   275   276   277   278   279