Page 280 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 280


                             Controlled etotement thawing Ike Fafa* and Description of Goode exported

                                            Estimate yon toe tbab 18D4-03.
                                                         Toama omcm tbab
                                                                         Inert** la
                                   Abtiolbb,                              1»«J,  Daerftat u
                                                         icaww.  IWA-CS.          UHnT
                                                           0       0        9       I
                     Rftftcra   •   .                      2,500   2,000
                     Rifles                               15.000   10,000            600
                     Shark-Gno   •                        8,000    2,500            6,000
                     Bngnr   .   •                        8,300    8,000             600
                     Salt                                 50.000   d5,000            300
                     Shunna   .   .                       1,000     r»oo            6.000
                     Senna leavos                          200      100              600
                     Tamarind                              800     1,000     200     100
                     'Walnuts and rkino                    160      120
                     Wheat   .   ..                       0,000    6,000              so
                     Wool                                 1,200    1,100            moo
                     Othor articles                       85,000  80,000             100
                                             Total      1,120,320  1.128.5S0  72,150  63.890
                                             Spocio      600.000  600,000
                                      GRAND TOTAL       1,720.320  1.G28.5S0  72.150  163,890

                        Contrasted statement showing the Talue asd Description of Goofs imported into 3/ashst.
                                           Estimate for the tear 1591-95.

                                                        Fob tub omeui tbab  lontitt  Dear***
                       From           Abticabs.                            In       ia
                                                         IUT-91.          1681-95.  18JWA.
                                                          8        3       2        3
                            Aloes wood  •                 2,400    3,000    600
                            Alum .                         120      150      30
                            Bajri .   •   .  .              85      100      15
                            Betelnuts   •  .               2G0      300      40
                            Broad cloth  •                 200      180              20
                            Brass .                        110      150      40
                            Boxes empty, deal wood        1.700    1,200             500
                            Coffee ...                   47,OV)   50,000   2.940
                            Cardamons   .  .              2,665    2.500             165
                            Cinnamon   •                  4.450    4.500     50
                            Cocoanuts, [J",h              LOCO      900              160
                                                           780      800      20
                            Camphor                        380      300              80
                                 r damaged                1.2CO    1,400    2'K)
                            Cotton,! stuff               153,2(0  155,000  1.800
                                 C blue                  20,5(0   18,000            2,500
                         2  Chintz                        8,000   10,000   2.000
                         a  Cotton yarn .                 1,000    1,100     100
                         ►5  Copper •                     6.370    6,600    U30
                            Candles .                      150      300      160
                            Crockery                      2,830    3,000     170
                            Cummin seed                   6,800   15,000   8,200
                            Coriander                      600      450               60
                            Caraway seed                    25      30        6
                            Dball .                       1,530    1,700     170
                            Dye. .   .                     665      600      35
                            Frankincense                   840     1,200    360
                            Fire-works ,                   250      350      70
                            Flour (Bombay)                6,600    4,400            UOO
                            Ginger, dry .                  170      250      80
                            Gooraooo                       100      200      100
                            Gold thread .                 2,900    3,200     300
                            Ganji (flax seeds)             600      600      800
                            Gram .                         650      600               60
                            Ghee .                         300      600      800
                            Garlio .                       100      100
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