Page 281 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 281

                  Conlfstted ttatcncnt showing the Palue and Dctcription of Qoodt imported tula
                                       JUatkaC— oontinaed.
                             Estimate TOR TBl year 1894-95—continued.

                                                Fob tub onioui iui  IncrtiM
                             Antom,                               In       h»
                                                                 1 (S4CJ.  ItoMK.
                                               1693-M.  1BHS4.
                                                 0       «
                   Connie#   •   •               5.400   10,000   4000
                   Handkerchiefs, oolaarod       4020    6,000     980
                   Hemp .                        8.620   3,000              170
                   Hyacinth   •   •                70      80
                   Hide# .   •   •               1*940   3,000
                   Iron work   •   •             2,200   2,600
                   Indigo   •   •                  CO      100      40
                   Jowftri   •   •              12,320   11,000            1*320
                   Jageree   •                    140     160       20
                   Lucifer matches  .            1,700   2,100     400
                   Monkey nuts                   1,760   2.600     760
                   Mu*k .   •   •                1,700   2,000     2*0
                   Nutmeg#   •   •                 85      120      35
                    _ i tweet and cocoann       27.100   30.000   2.900
                   ^ l kcr»ioe   •              10,760   12, COO  1,240
                   Oiheeds   .   •                3 JO     180              160
                   Pepper   .   •                3,400    600              2,800
                   Pnrwnaa   •   •                 80      100
                   Paper •   .                    170      200
                   Pewter ware   .                200      150               50
                       Bengal   •               622,890  700.000
                   Rice,  table .  1 Malabar   • •  450  6.0* *0
                i  Itope, coir   .   • •         7,000    1,200            1.000
                a  Sugar .   .   •              67,760   65,000            2,*760
                   Sugar-candy                    725      800
                   Sandal-wood chips             1,965   1.800              165
                   Shawls and loongiea             75      200
                   Silk .                       S6.045   35.000            7,0*5
                   Silk goods  •                 4.100   3.800              300
                   Steel •   .   •               2,146    1.800             3*5
                   Sulphur   •   •                710      600
                   Safforn   •                   3,003   4000
                   Soda ••   .   .                100      200
                   Sal Ammoniac                   160      100               60
                   Saltpetre   .   •              400    2,400
                   Sundries   .   .             12,000   14,000
                   Tea                            ISO      250
                   Tormorie                      6,340   5.000              340
                   Tamarind                       9<X)   1.000
                   Turkey red                   77.690   85,000           12,690
                   Twine                          156     200
                   Tin and lead                  3,360   6.000    2,640
                   Twiat .                      76.160   80,000   3.840
                   Tar                            160      200      40
                   Tallow .   .   .               600     600      100
                   Toja and fancy works .        2,800   2,500              300
                   Wheat .    .                 13,903   7.000             6,900
                   Wood beams .   .   *          2,720   1,200             1,520
                   Wines, spirits, liqueurs, etc.  3.000  45* JO  1,500
                                     Total    1,298,905  1,385,600   123,645  36.950
                                     Specie    200,000  160 000           50.000
                              gband total     1,498.905  1A35.600  123,645  86,960
                   Almond*                        710     800       84
               2   Awafcetida .                    40      70       SO
                   Barley                        3,430   4600     1*070
              «<3  Budrbud *                       65    2.000    1.945
                   Colton .                     20.450   20,000   *«••      490
                   Carpels and rugs               950    LOOO       60
               D M
                   Canvas ,                      1,040   1,000    •••       40
                   Cloaks                         600     400               100
               2*  Oates, dry                     350     600      260
               ; Q  French beans                  735     850      116
                   2» •                           45      100       66
                                                 1.660    7*0               MO
                          ;                     41,000   45,000   4000
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