Page 38 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
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                                                   ▲BAB OOABT.
                                                   TABLE No. *2.
                        Returns of Principal Articles of Report from the Porte on the Arab Coast of the Persian Gul/
                              *                  during the gear 1890.
                                                             1890.              1888.

                                                        Quantity,  Value.  Quantity.  Tulua.
                                                                   ▲                   it
                                                       260 Ddnkeyr        200 Donkeyc
                                                    \           | 21,60o|  10 Horses  s
                        Animals, living .              200 Camela         100 Catocl6   14,000
                                                        20 Horses
                        Grain and poise •              4.285 Cwto.   27.000  8,867 Cwtc.  26,000
                        vote manufactures              1,000 Bales   10.000   808 Bales   8,600
                        Oil                            2,600 Casks  37,600  6,367 Cwto.  37,600
                         Pearls   .   .   •                      27/0,000           40.00,000
                         Provisions and oilmanstores               19.000             18,000
                         Shells, mother-o'-pearl .     6.000 Cwts.  60.000  4,166 Cwta.   66,000
                         Tohscoo   •   .   •           1.000 B’dles.   14.000  600 „   14.000
                         'Woollen goods                1,200 Cloaks  13.000  1,100 Clonks  17.000
                         Other articles •   •                      73.000             47,760
                                              Total              29.75,000           42,36.760
                                              Specie              1,85.000          • 3,42,000
                                       GRAND TOTAL               31,60,000           45,78,760

                                                    TABLE No. 23.
                         Returns of Principal Articles of Imports into the Ports on the Arab CoaU of the Persian Gulf
                                                   during the year 1890.

                                                              1890.              1889.
                                                         Quantity.  Value.  Quantity.  Value.
                                                                    *                  R
                         Animals (horses)                                    24        14400
                         Arms and ammunition                       66,000              434-60
                         Canvas •   •                    700 Cwts.  42.000  666 Cwts.   40000
                         Cattle .                       6.000 Head  18.000   5,000 Head   15/XX)
                         Coffee   11   .                3.000 Bags  2,02.500  3J60 Cwts.   IP5JOOO
                         Coir and coir.rope             6.600 Cwts.   41.000   4*00 „  44/100
                         Cotton goods                    800 B’dles.   2,40,003  800 B’dles.   2.40.000
                         Thread aud twist .              300 Cwts.  17.000   240 CwU.   13.000
                         Date .                        85,700 w    3/0,000  110/100 „  2.16.000
                         Date juice * .                 1.600  „    10/00   2SO „      9.500
                         Drugs and medicines                        16.000   —~        16/XX)
                         Fruits and vegetables                      51.000             60600
                         Grab and pulse .«             167400 Cwts.   8,25.000  125.000Cwts.  6.58.000
                         Mats .   •  •                                                 20/XX)
                         Metals                         l,340Cwts.  20.000   1,354*0 wt*.   12.000
                           „ manufactures of                                135 .       9.000
                         Oil                                       1,20 J000          140.000
                         Pearls   .                                                    40000
                         Perfumery   •   ,                          20.000             12.000
                         Provisions   .   .                         12,000             34700
                         Silk .                                     35,700              1400
                          „ manufactures of              1.500 Pieces      1,400 Pieces   16/100
                         8pices   .   ,                  1,290 Cwts.   16.000  2,000 Cwts.   36.000
                         Sugar .   .                     6.000 „    36.000            LSSXXX)
                         Tallow                          IfiOO „   1,60,000  7,500 .   30/»00
                         Timber and wood                            30.000  1/60 „     64/XX)
                         Woollen goods .                            64.000             18.000
                         Other articles                                               2,31,060
                                               Total              25.12,860          23,02^10
                                               Specie              7/10,000          16,08,000
                                        GRAND TOTAL               32.12.860          38,10,910
   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43