Page 43 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 43


                           Estimate for the year 1890-91—continued*
                                                  Value In
                   Abtiolsu.           Quantity.            To which plaoe chiefly
                                                   Dollars,     exported.
         Rose lonveo .   .             80 Bags        400  India, Africa, &c.
           ,, water .    ,             600 Karbas     600          m
         Pomegranate skins and seeds   25 Bags        160  India.
         Hemra .    .    ,             260 „          800  Persian Gulf and Basrah.
         Opium                          8 Chests    4.000  Zanzibar.
         Wheat                       8,600 Bags     9.000   India and Mauritius.
         Rice                        18,000 „       70,000  Persian Golf.
         Jowari   •                  1,000 „        2.000   Mekran and Yemen.
         Ghi ...                       200 Skins    8,500   Indio.
         Sugar                         400 Bags      3,600  Persian Gnlf,
         Salt ...                      25 Babrs     70,000  India and Zanzibar.
         Red ochre                     100 „          250  India.
         Madder  .                     20 Bags        100  India and 'Oman.
         Assafcetida .   .              6 Skins       100  India.
         Garlic ...                    70 Bngs        200  Zanzibar.
         Mask   .                      80 Bottles    2,000  Persian Gulf.
         Aloes, wood                   15 Boxes     4.000     a
         Incense                       60 „          1.000    >»
         Shumm  0    .   .             100 Bags       500  India.
         Aloes   .   o                 600 Skins     3,000  „
         Senna leaves .   ,            25 Bags         90  India and Persian Gulf.
         Dragon's blood .   ,          200 Casks     1,200  Persian Gulf.
         Badrbnd ...                   600 Begs     2,400  Jeddah.
         Goat's bair •   •             100 „          600  Basrah.
         Hulwah  .   .                 300 Boxes     4,500  India, Mauritius, &c.
         Otto of roses                  2   n         500  India and Mauritius.
         Canvas, Arabian               600 Rolls     2,500  Red Sea ports.
         Rafters  .   .   .            500 Scores    2,500  Persian Gulf.
         Donkeys  .                    300 In No.    7.000  India and Mauritius.
         Oil, kcrosine               2.000 Boxes     4.000  Persian Golf.
         Cloves ...                    100 Bags       800
         American cloth .              150 Bales    10,000     it
         Wool   .    .   .             80 „          1,000  India.
         Rifles   .   .   .            100 Boxes    10,000  Persian Gulf.
         Paper                          5 .           150      »
         Mat bags ,   #   .          1.000 Bandies   2,000     »
         Miscellaneous .                            25,900     u

                         Total                    1,082,690
                         Specie                    440,000
                GRAND TOTAL                      1,482,690


                                Estimate for tie year 1890-91•
                                                         Value is
         Fi             A Knox is.           Quantity.    Dollar*.

               Rice, Bengal .            155,900 Bags     671,100
                „ Malabar                   400 Moorahs    1,200
                n Red                       200 Bags         500
           -i                                              12,000
           M    „ Table                          w
             J  Wheat .   .                 66Q  u         2,080
               Bajri . •                     18              50
               Jowari „                    4,700   „ .    10,800
               DhaU .                       170             1,080
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