Page 48 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 48


                        Contratted Statement th owing the Value and Deioription of Ooode exported from Mnecat—aon\A%

                                                         Fob thx Omen ax Ybaq
                                                                            Inoronao  DoerefiM
                                     Abticlm.                                 in       in
                                                          1889-90.  1890-91.  1890-91.  1800-81,
                                                          Dollars.  Dollar*.  Dollars.  Dollars.
                        Dates (black)   .   ,              78.000   60,000            18,000
                          n (Fard)   . . .                 80.000   70,000            10,000
                        Date-jaioe   .   ,   ;               800      700    • ••
                        Fruits .   •   .   .               80,000  25.000              6,000
                        Dried limes  •    ,                20,000   18.000             2,000
                        Raisins   ,   .   ;                  200     1,800   1,000
                        Plains    •       .                 1,000     800
                        Almonds   .   .   ,                  400      600      100      700
                        "Walnuts and skins                   125      150       26    • ••
                        Tamarind   •   .   .                 650      700       60
                        Fish ....                          20,000   23,000   8,000
                        Fisb, small, for manure  •          1,200   1,500      800
                        Fish sounds  . 1  |||   .           1,000     800
                        Shark-fins                          8,500   8,000    • *»o      200
                        Pearls ....                        80,000   60,000              500
                        Mother-o'-pearl                    13.000   14.000            20,000
                        Cotton    ,   .                    23.000   21.000    1,000
                         „ fabrics                        140,000  120,000             2,000
                          „ seeds  .   .                    8,900   8,000             20,000
                        Rose leaves • _ T._ ,   .            375      400       25      9q0
                         n water  .                          500      500             • ••
                        Pomegranate skins and seeds          175      150
                        Henna     ,   .   ,                  90U      800                25
                        Opium                                750                        100
                        Wheat     , .. v .                  8,500   4.000     8,250
                        Rice .                             60,000    9.000     500
                        Jowari.                             1,300   70,000   10,000
                        Ghi .     .   .   .                          2.000     700
                        s°gar...............................  4.000  3,500              500
                        Salt ....                           3.000    3,500     500
                        Red oehre   .   .                  65.000   70,000    5,000
                        Madder    .   .   .                  700      250               450
                        Assafcetida ; , a -> .               200      100               10O
                       Garlic .                              125      100                25
                        Musk ....                            225      200                25
                       Aloes, wood  .                       1,500    2,000     500
                       Incense    .   .   m                 3.00 U  4.000     1,000
                       Shuxua    -                          1.000    1.000
                       Aloes                                1,200     500               700
                       Senna leave*.                        5.000   8,000              2,000
                       Hragov** blood                                  90       10
                       Bndrbud    .  .                      1,500    1,200              800
                       Goats' hair   .  .                    6H0    2,400    1,800
                       Hulwah     •   •   .                4.000      600      100
                       Otto of roses   .                            4,500      500
                       Canvas, Arabian                      1,200     600               700
                       Rafters                             2,800    2,600               800
                       Donkeys                             2,400    2,500      100
                       Oil, keroeine   .                    5.000   7.000    2,000
                       Cloves .   .   .   *                S,U0u    4.000    1,000
                       American doth                         300      800      500
                       Wool .     .   .   *                6,700    10,0(50  3,300
                       Kifle. .   .   .   ;                  800     1,000     200
                       Paper ....                            300    10,000    8,700
                       Mat bag*                              200      150                60
                       Miscellaneous articles              8.000    2,000              1,000
                                                           30,000   26,000             6,000

                                              Total      1,106,605  1,032,690  46,760  120,675
                                              Specie      300,000  400,000  100,000

                                     GRAND TOTAL         1,406,605  1,432,690  146,760  120,675
   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53