Page 51 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 51

                  RE8IDENCY AND MU80AT POLITICAL AGENCY POR 180041.      46

        Contrattrd Statement 'having the Value and Description of Goods imported into Ifsicaf-oonU.

                                          Fob tiii OvrioiAL This
         Fron           Articled,                          Incmu« Is   Dcctcam In
                                          1889-90.  1890-91.  1890-81.  1880-81.

                                          Dollars.  Dollars.  Dollars.  Dollars.
              Sulphur   •   .   .      ,  s  • M      850      850
              Saltpotro   ,   ,               400     800               100
              Lime .           .            8,000    4,600    1,600   • ••
              Aocafcetida   .   ,             100     800      200
              Madder   •   .   .   .          127     180        8
              Myrtle leaveo   .             6,122     820              6,802
              Iudian-corn   .   0             260     480      230
              Rose-water   ,   #            1,142    2,280    1,188
              Pomegranate ekina .             95      160       65
           l  Pearls ....                  90,000   70.000            20,000
           CO  Mothcr-o'-pearl  .   .      15,726   11.000             4,725
           o  Badibud  ,                      800    1,700     900
              Opium                         8,500    4,800             8,700
               Dyes    .   .   .   !                  100      100
              Ydlow wood   .   .   m          200
           2                                          200
              Matbago ....                  8,100    5.500             2,600
              Ssffron ....                  3,100
           a                                         4,800    1,700
           2  Gram ....                     2,400    2.500     100
              Vinegar ....                     18     180      162
          B <  Tobacco ....                 1,200    4,ICO    2,900
              Cloaks ....                     150     500      350    • ••
          c?  Iiaij comba                     250     800       50
          es  Wool ....                     4,050    “,700             1,350
          *   Twist ....                    1,100    3.100    2,000
          5   Shark-fins ....               4,000    2,300             1,700
          C   Fish-maws ...                 1,200    2,800    1*600
          A   Prawns ....                   1,020     800               220
          5   Limes, dry   ,   .   .                 5.100   *5,100
              Miscellaneous articles, such as cot   20,000  35,000  15,000
                ton staff,  raw cotlon, matting,
                               Total      848,004  311,470   63^240  104,714
                               Specie      25,000   80,000    5,000

                      GRAND total         373,005  341,470   73,240  104,774
              Coffee                        6,700   14,800    9,100
              Sugar, loaf   •               1,020    1,600     580
              Jowari .    .                           900      900    •••
              Cocoanats .                    400     1,600    1,100
          <   Chintz                        1,000     500               sea
          K   Cotton goods                 11,000   12,400    1,400
          *<  Paper                           500     250               250
          o   Cloves                         456      600      145
          <   Wood rafters                  2,000    1,600              400
          *   FowHngpieoes                   550     8,600    3,050   %•«
          a   Frankincense .                2,126    2,400     272
          tt                                          200              U58
              Amber   .                     1,453
          x   Ciret   .   •                 2,263    1,350              918
              Dragon'* blood .              1,806    2,000     194
          5   Arabiaa gam                   • ••      140      140
              Wild cypress seed             8,441    IM      • ••      8,441
              Otto of roses                 1,200    1,400     200
              Sbunna   .                    7,623     900              6,723
              Aloes   •   •                 5,230   11,000    6,770
              Gum     •   •                           100      100
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