Page 50 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 50


                        Contrasted Statement showing the Value and Description of Ooodi imported into Muecat_oontd.
                                                         Fob Tn» Official Yiab
                                                                          Incrcaw In
                         From          Abtioxjb.                                   DecrcsM In
                                                         1889-90.  1890-91.  1890-91.  1890-9L

                                                         Dollars,  DoUnro.  Dollaro.  Dollars,
                             Ganja (Flaxseeds) .   •         68      200      H7      •••
                              Sulphur .   •   •   •         28o      400      170
                              Lucifer matches   •           958     2,000    1,047
                             Fireworks .   .   ,   .         65      160       85
                              Purwass    •    •   .   .               15       16     • ••
                             Saffron •   •    •   •   •    1,961    1,300              661
                             Alum......................................  172  120       52
                             Wood.....................................  1,800  2,500  700
                             Wines, spirits, liqueurs, &c. .  886   2,800    1,914
                             Tar...............................................  46  80  34
                             Paper......................................  483  550  67
                         *   Crockery......................................  5,630  3,500  2,130
                             Soda.....................................  60  50          10
                             Flour, Bombay  .              1,44*    4,900    3,456
                         !(  Gram    .   .  • •   .        1,236    1,000               236
                          T  Cummin-seed  .   •           10.973    9,300             1,673
                             Coriander   •    •   •   .     557      100               457
                             Garlio   •   •   .   •   .      64       80       16
                             Salammoniac   •   •            243      150                98
                              Hyacinth .          .   .       9       15        6
                             Caraway seed  .   •   ,   .              10       10
                              Hides......................................  1,195  1,700  505
                              Pewter-ware   •   ,            79       60                 19
                             Tallow.....................................  400  300      100
                             Saltpetre......................................  690  500  190
                              Boxes, empty deal-wood       2,870    4,000    1,130
                             Toj6 and fancy works          2,080    2,500     420
                              Miscellaneous articles, such as cut­
                               lery, preserves, oilmanstores, &c.  20,000  15,000     5,000

                                              Total     1,288,403  1,358.610  186,109  115,902
                                              Specie     100,000   80,000            20,000

                                     GRAND TOTAL        1,388,403  1,438,610  186,109  135,902

                             Dates (pressed) .             2,000    6,100    4,100
                              .»                                    1,000    1,000
                         &   Wheat                        13,800   17,500    3,700
                         o   Jowari . .   ,                1,100    4,000    2,900
                         o   Barley  .   ,                  413              2,687
                         sc  Mung                          2,161    8,100             ••• 461
                         tc  Rice . .                       800     1,700     100
                         K   French-beans •
                         S   Ghi                            700      600                100
                         o   Almonds .                    33,503   40,000   . 6,497   •••
                         *5                                 997      450                547
                         <   Walnuts  •                      66
                         H   Pistachio nnts  .              125      800    * 235
                         2   Pigs
                         s   Plums                          300      100                200
                         D   Raisins   „   .                757      700                 57
                         03                                  47       120      73
                             Cotton   .                                              28,700
                         sT                               88,400    9,700
                             Carpets and rugs
                         D                                 1,225    4,000    2,775
                         o   Silk, raw •                   5,000    4,000             T,000
                         sc   » goods                       800    11,300   10*600
                             Canvas   ,   .
                         «□                                 900      700                200
                             Skins    .   ,
                         B5                                •••       200      200
                        &<   Goats' hair                   1,062     250                812
                             Salt .                       70,000   37,500            32,500
                             Red ochre                      800      300                500
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