Page 54 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 54


                        row-boats from Bussorah, the amount of which I have been unable to ascertain,
                        A large percentage of imports is for Koweit, some go by caravan to Dizful and
                        other places up-oountiy, and, after supplying shops, the remainder goes to Shastar
                        by steamer:—
                                                    Imports, India,
                                                                       PL            £
                                               2,685 hales           69,500
                                            •{   800 cases            7,500
                               Piece-goods .   2,169 bundles         43,380
                               Tea •             271 „                1,400
                               Sugar           3,780 bags             4,330
                                „ loaf         2,976 cases            6,411
                               Coffee          1,617 bags            10,045
                               Twist             63 bales             l,lU0
                               Alum              80 caekB              121
                               Cassia           177 cases              270
                               Silk .            25 „                  700
                               Gunny hags       112 bales             4,000
                               Tamarind        1,438 bundles           109
                               Pepper            217 bags              743
                                               8,638 bars
                                             {  855 bundles    }      2,340
                               Iron .
                                               1,793 sheets
                                             {   100 bundles
                               Copper                           >     2,370
                               Steel.            60 kegs                49
                               Rice •           975 bags               437
                               Matches .         87 cases               61
                               Kerosine .       150 „                   59
                               Miscellaneous                           700

                                                      Total         144,615       144,615

                                               Imperii front Fenian Ports.
                               Henna             439 packages          333
                               Attareo           71 cases              140
                               Sugar              70 bags              136
                                n loaf           20 cases   .           36
                               Tobacco           316 bags   .          144
                               Coffee            22 „                  187
                               Piece-goods       30 cases              600          1,526

                                                      Total           1,526       146,141

                        Ordinary goods are sold by caravanserai “ man99 of 24 waki, or 1639). Com
                        by the com market" man ” of 166tb 12 oz., or 26 waki of 6fo 6 oz. each.

                                            Ezporti to 8hutMar bp " Bloese Lynch."
                                                                        £           £
                               Piece-goods     •  350 packages        7,000
                               Henna           •   21 bandies           16
                               8ugar, loaf     •  968 cases ,         1,164
                               Sugar           •  350 bags •           691
                               8 undoes .      •   86 cases . .        360
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