Page 55 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 55


                                                         £       £
                 Iron •          .  270 bandies          200
                  „ bore         •  908                  898
                 Btcel           •   41 kegs            1,100
                 Copper          •   66 pieoei            80
                 Candles         •   15  C&883 .          10
                 Matches              9                   81
                 Drugs           .   42 packages          80
                 Tea             .   SO cases .          160
                 Tobacco         •   18 bags  .            6
                 Gunny bags      .   16 bales .           67


              The imports being principally paid for by shipments of specie, there is no
          regular rate of exchange. The currency is Persian; but the rupee is practically
           current at rate of 11100 to 250 krans. The Turkish' lira is taken at about
           32 krans. The above lists arc calculated at 33 krans to the pound sterling.

                                 Shipping and Navigation.
              The steamers of the British India Steam Navigation Company called weekly
           to discharge cargo on their return from Basrah, and from the 9th November they
           commenced calling on way up river to land mails and passengers regularly, and
          cargo when it suits their convenience. The steamers of the Bombay and Per­
           sian Gulf Steam Navigation Company also called regularly to discharge cargo
           on the way from Bucsorah about once a month.
              The grain shipped for Europe was shipped outside the bar of Shat-el-Arab,
           being conveyed from here in lighters.
               In the river the Euphrates and Tigris Steam Navigation Company (of
           which Messrs. Lynch are agents) run a steamer fortnightly to Ahwaz in con­
           nection with one running thence to Shush tar. The Nasery (a Persian) com­
           pany imported a steam launch on 2nd November, which runs to Ahwaz, towing
           two lighters alongside and taking about 25 ton9 of cargo.
              Seven Indian baglas, under British flag, called at port during the date
          season, before this Vice Consulate was opened. The number of baglas under
          other flags I have been unable to ascertain.
              A large amount of wheat is grown on the Karun, and much more could be
           grown. A certain amount of oil seeds, flax, and roses is also grown; from the
          latter good rose-water is made, chiefly on the island of Khedr. Dates are the
           principal crop in the immediate neighbourhood of the town.
              A coarse woollen cloth is made for local consumption throughout the district.
           Dyeing and tanning are carried on in the town, and some good silver work is
           done by the Sabaen community, of whom there are about thirty families in
           the district.
                                      Public Works.
              During the year the buildings commenced by Persian Government pre­
          viously at the junction of the Karun and Shat-el-Arab, now called •* Bunder Saheb
          Kerani 99 (viz., Government house, landing-place and stores), were completed,
          and a telegraph office built, also a battery and an infantry barrack on the
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