Page 473 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 473


          Jbitrad table of import» into all the porti   '*   Gm*f*ur*”9 l*e 9eari 189ft lB99t

                                      1PM.              loss.             1806.
                                Quantity.  Value.  Quantity.  Yaluo.  Quantity.  Valuo.

                                             R                a                  R
                                0,900 owts.  12.61,800  5,210 cwta.  0,83,060  Ml
        If WOO —                                                    4,177 owts.   6,74.615
         India •                   • ••                              122 *      82,600
         Ptrtim ports              • ••                               23   *     0,853
         United Kingdom .
                                1.197 p1cr&   J 1,06,550  2/64 cwta-  1/4/50
        JfftI, JUHDFAOTOBnfl of—  300 cvrta.                          •M
                                                             ... {  1,349 pTrgo.   64/53
                                                                    660 awtn.  }
         India •   •   •   *
         TuriiaK Arabia •   •                                        43 bundles  2,666
         Persian porta   •   *                                       41          3,038
        LlJfPI AMD LaupwABB-     225 cm«i   44,200  68 oases  18,100   • M
         United Kingdom .                                             81 cases
         Prance .   •                                                 18
                                                                      ‘ n
         India .   •   •                                              17
        LlATHKB. KlUCFACTCBBB OP —           35,170          61/60
         India   •   •   •                                   Ma                 35,708
         United Kingdom .   .                                                    9,950
         Turkey   .   •   •                                                      9,131
         Persian porta   .   •
         France .   •   •   •                                                     650
         Zaniibar   .   •                                                         200
        Liqcosb, Winks akd SriBIT8—   3,125 cases  74,790  3,690 ca»>  68,940
         United Kingdom .   •                                       2,060 cases   37,681
         India ....                                                 1,339   „   83,394
         Franco .   •   •   •                                        223  If     7/54
        Matchbs—                 416 c&soa   19,140  497 c&ssa  23.350
         Austria   •   •   •                                        1,255 cases  61,495
         Turkey   .   .   .                                          4S6  »»    23/14
         India ....                                                  3-19   „   17,101
        Mats—                                64,000          78.000
         Persian porta •   .                         ••a              • ••      36.000
         Masbat   .   .   .                                           • •       83.000
         Bahrain   .   .   .                                          let       17,500
         Turkish Arabia •   .                                                    4.600
         India .   •   •   .                                          Mt          2S0
        Metals—                 36,052 csrta.  10,22,250    6,47,9 SO
         India .   .                                                31,050 owts.   6/6/69
         United Kingdom •   •                                       6,616 „    2A3W
         Persian porta .   «                                        1,600       37,946
         GrTmany ...                                                 100 „        600
         Turkey                                                       42 „        210
        MlTAll, 1UH0FACTUB1I OF—            85,059
                                17,435 owta.     DiAJSW swfts.
        Oil—                              2/0,790  i      { 2,71.690            ■oo
                             {  12,644 cases]    Oj/ttt
                                                                   13,000 cases
         India ....                                          Ml  {  10,890 owta.  1  1.64JM
         Persian porta   %• .                                ... {  8.000 cases   56/00
                                                                     955 cwta.
         Bnasia .                                                   6.140 „     36/80
         Turkey ,                           • ••                    3.000  „    35/00
         Uukat                                                       400 .       Moo
        PlASU—                             68/1/00          63/6,000  IM
         Arab Coast .   .          • ••                                       34/5,000
         Turkish Arabia                                                       12.50,000
         5",5« PorU                         tte      tee                       2.76.000
         Bahrain .   .                                                ttt      1/0/00
         India (Aden)   .                                             ttt       8/00
        PtlFBliny-.                         61/40            71/60
         India .                                     • ••                       S3, TOO
         Persian porta             • ••                      •••      ttt       31/00
         JnrYub Arabia   .         tet                       ttt                 9/50
         MaiVat                                                       ttf       8.000
   468   469   470   471   472   473   474   475   476   477   478