Page 478 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 478
TABLE No. &8.
Return of principal article/ of export from 8hirai during the yean 1894-95-96.
XI* ft. iw*.
Qu^Hy. Yalta. Quantity. Vila.. Quantity,
Jt It
Animals— 620 bead 1,01,000 476 bond 70,170 • ••
Honrs and mules 242*head
Cotton l raw) , 3,000 bondles 84.000 6,500 bundles 1,83,330 5,000 bundles 1.83.S
Drugs and medicines 500 ewta. 6,000 400 cwts. 10,070
Fruits and Vegetables—
Almonds . 6,000 „ 2,00,000 7.000 „ 170,000 8.000 cwta. 2.00/=
Other kinds 1,600 „ 16,500 1.000 „ 1.60,700 2.000 „ 16.
Gold and gold ooin 150 lbs. 1,50,000 120 lbe. 1.10XZ
Gum • . . 260* pkgs. 4 6^0 10.000 cwts. 1,00,000 600 pkgs. lo.c:
Hides and skins 800 bundles 2.66 000 85.000 pieces 56.670 40.000 pieces 20,6=
Opium . , 3,950 chests 51,35,000 3,250 chests 41,16,670 3,200 chests 29,80,0=
1,000 oases }
Perfumery (rosewater) 2.000 pkgs. 14.000 1 10.000 cnrbojs 50.000 } ».s=
Peed. . 1,500 bundles 15.000 1,500 cwta. 16000 2,000 cwt*. 26.C
Silk (raw) . 200 „ 32.000 250 bundles 68.340
Silk, manufactures of 60 ., 20.000 120 M C0.000 85 bundles
Tobac CO 22.000 bags. 4,81.000 35,000 .. 3.50,O'K) 26,000 bngs 3.76.0-
Wool . 1,500 cwts 35.000
Wcollon goods (car pots) 2,OCO pkgs 8,00.000 2,700 bundle 9,00.000 2,500 pkgs. 8,33.3=
Oiher articles 40.000 60.670 60.0
Total . 72,10,000 63,98,190 43,93,Cp
TABLE No. 29.
Return of principal at deter of import into Shiraz (hiring the years 1891-95-9G.
1805. iw».
Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. QakTifry. Talc*.
ft ft It
Arms and ammunition 250 cases 1,10,COO 150 coses 75.000
Guns and cartridges . : 60 esses 26/
Candles . . , • • •437> C3-VT5 50.400 3,700 ca«es 39.470 3.000 „ 27.
Coffee « ' • • • Jff) rkgs- 18000 30 > cwts. in 000 250 cwts. 8
Cotton goods . • -yEMEO bundlos 1.54,00.000 67,000 bundles 1.22.83,310 35,000 bundles 68,35-
Thread and twist . •| 100 ., 48.000 400 »• 46.870 120 ft if,
Drugs and medicines . « •'. 5% pkgs. 650 cases 1,08.840 60 cases 10,
Glass and glassware . . ;• «X> ea«ei 32.480 150 „ 15.000 100 „ 16.
Gold embroidered cloth .1 40 bundles 10 bundles 8 340 16 pkgs. 10
Gold lace and thread . •4 22 000 26 oases 8.340 40 cases 11
Hardware and cutlery '•S — cases • '20.000 46 7.670 200 !» 21
Indigo . . •500 bundles n 2.16 670 450 ,i Iff
650 „
Liquors, wines, and spirits \\ .( 6CD cases 1,10.600 700 58.340 600
Metals— j 96.000 „ 99
Copper • • MOW cwta. 5,60.000 8,500 cwts. 3 54,170 5.000 cwts. 2.55
Iron • *x» * 7CO „ 8.760 1.000 12
Brass • • . • I 350 pkgs. 24.000 8,3 M) 200 „ 10
Tin . • I 450 cwta 14.000 ?60 ,. 12.000 S50 .* 23
Other soTte • .. •: 550 pkgs. 27.000 300 * 16,000
400 „
Oils (kerosine) . . .] 6/00 cases 00,000 30.0A0 6,000 oases
Porcelain and Chinaware • I LOOO „ 3.000 cjses 45.000 600 31
Pilk, manufactures of 08.000 f. 30 pkgs. I!
Spioes 3,000* pkgs. 130 bundles 43.340 5,100 owts. I*
s» 90,000 6.000 cwts. 1.40.000
w . . 22/00 cases 18,000 .. 30
Crusbed . ] 14/00 bags 7 92,000 22,000 „ 3,81,330 13.000 bags. 2.0-
Tea . 12,000 <•«*«, 3.08.000 30.000 „ 4.50.000 9,000 chests. 6.V
Woollen goods . • I 180 bandies 9.00 000 16.000 cases 9.00,000 76 pkgs. 3
Other artioles . 3.10.000 100 bundles 1>
3.0S.&00 2, "8,330
1,94 97,380 1,65,07,780