Page 61 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
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                         MUSCAT POLITICAL AGENCY


                           Pam I.- GENERAL SUMMARY.

                              1.—'OMAN-MUSCAT COAST.
            The Report has been drawn up by Surgeon-Lieutenant-Golonel A. 8. G.
        Jayakar, and forms Part II of this compilation*
            Greater tranquillity has marked the past year in this 8tate than has been
        known for a considerable time. This is ascribed by the Political Agent to the
        withdrawal of Sayyid Abdul Aziz, and to the loyal adherence of Shaikh 8aleh-
        bin-Ali to the Sultan’s party. Tbe Sultan held himself aloof for the most part
        from tbe quarreh of tribal Chiefs; where, however, he stepped forward he was in
        most cases successful in bringing about a reconciliation. The Political Agent’s
        report shows that, with the exception of a severe fight about the end of March
        1891 between tbe Beni Omar and the Howasinah, in which a good many lives
        were lost, there has been less bloodshed amongst the tribes than usual*
            The caravan routes from Sbarkiyyeh, which were closed to trade owing to
        the quarrels between the Sbarkiyyeh and the Ghafri tribes in the 8email
        Valley, were re-opened in the year under report with material benefit to the
        export trade of Muscat.
            The fire in the Khaboorah bazar, resulting in heavy losses to British
        Indian subjects, mentioned in last year’s report, was found to be the work of
        incendiaries of the Howasinah tribe. His Highness promptly agreed to the
        finding of a committee assembled to assess the losses which were finally fixed
        at $12,739, and payments are being made in monthly instalments. His Highness
        intends recovering about two-thirds of this sum from the Howasinah, some
        of whom have been imprisoned.
            The export trade shews a large increase; there is, however, a falling off in
        imports as compared with the previous year.
            The ratifications of the new Commercial Treaty were exchanged at Muscat
        on the 20th February 1892.

                              r.-’OMAN PIRATE COAST.
            The past year has been markedly free’from disturbance, owing partly/
        perhaps, to fear of the coalition mentioned in last year’s report as having been
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