Page 64 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 64


                           Early in 1891 Mahomed Ibn Rashid suffered a severe defeat at Kasim, the
                       people of whioh espoused Abdur Rahman’s cause. In March 1891, however,
                       having again assembled a powerful following, he attaoked and defeated them;
                       the Chief of Aneiza and his headmen were killed, and the Chief of Boreyda
                       taken prisoner, and eventually died of wounds received in the battle. Maho­
                       med Ibn Rashid thereupon appointed a Governor to rule the district in his
                       name; and Abdur Rahman seeing things going against him retired to Bahrain
                       for Bafoty, leaving Nejd to Mahomed Ibn Rashid.
                           In the meantime Mahomed Ibn Rashid’s Governor at Kharj, after looting
                       a band of pilgrims from El-Hasa, was defeated and slain in an attack on a
                       party of El-Ajman. Abdur Rahman seizing the opportunity of Mahomed Ibn
                       Rashid’s return to Jabal 8hammar advanced on Karj and Riadh, capturing both
                       places, and his affairs took a more promising turn. His triumph was, however,
                       .short-lived, for he was very shortly afterwards surprised and totally defeated by
                       Mahomed Ibn Rashid, and had to seek safety in flight together with all the
                       remaining members of his family.
                           He subsequently tried to obtain the support of the Turks at El-Hasa, and
                       in this he has been partly successful, for the Wali has applied for a pension for
                       him from the Turkish Government.
                           The Al-Saood, who in the time of their prosperity numbered some four
                       score men, are now reduced to less than a score of broken fugitives. Abdur
                       Rahman has since been living a wandering life among the Bedouins of El-Hasa
                       and Hatif, being always in fear of capture by Mahomed Ibn Rashid’s adherents.
                       Mahomed Ibn Rashid by this victory seems to have broken the last opposition
                       to bis complete supremacy in Nejd, which it is said is now undisputed.

                           Reports from El-Katr showed that Jasim-bin-Thani still persisted in his
                       refusal to obey any directions of the Turkish authorities at El-Hasa. It was
                       currently reported all along the Arab Coast that they intended’sending troops
                       to coerce him, but so far this idea has not been carried out. At the commence­
                       ment of the year a fight occurred between the Al-Ajan and the Al-Hunah,
                       Beni Hajir, and Mann sir, in which each party lost a few men. Some of the
                       Beni Hajir seized a boat at TYakrah, and cut out six boats of the Al-Kubeisst,
                       a tribe under Abu Dhabi, at the Island of Rarah, during the pearl season-
                       Redress was sought by the owners from Jasim-bin-Thani, but he declared him­
                       self powerless to restrain the Beni Hajir. Early in this year a raid was made
                       past, but at some distance from Abu Dhabi, by some of Jasim-bin-ThanT* men.
                       They were pursued from Abu Dhabi but escaped.

                                              8.—PERSIAN A RABI8TAN.
                           The u Shahab-ul-Mulk ” was confirmed in his post as Governor of Arabis-
                       tan fpr another year from the naurux.
                           In May 1891 disturbances occurred amongst. the Arab tribes near How-
                       eizab, owing to the selection of an unpopular Governor for that place, the Bern
                       Truf being the principal offenders. The Government, sent troops to coerce the
                       rebels, who were defeated in a sharp action outside Howeizab, and their Shaikh
                       soon afterwards tendered his submission. These disturbances are now attributed
                       to the intrigues of the Mustaufi or Treasurer of Arabistan, who was recently
                       made a prisoner and sent in irons to 8hushter. Arabistan generally was in an
                       unsettled state, and the Anafijah Arabs under Shaikh Eerhan increased the
                       feeling of insecurity by an attack on a caravan near Shushter in October last,
                       in the course of which they carried off some rifles.
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