Page 697 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 697



                Part IV—TRADE REPORT FOR MASKAT FOR 1898-99.

              Tlio statistics of tho trade for tho year aro furnished by the Customs farmer,
           and their accuracy cannot bo relied on as it is obviously to his interest to sub­
           mit a9 low a return as possible of the trade of the port in order to choke off
           would-be competitors from endeavouring to purchase tho right to farm the
              The total value of tho trade is returned at St,289,600 as against $5,372,000
           for the preceding year, showing a decrease of $1,082,400.
              Tho imports including specie chow a decrease of $945,300, as compared,
           with the figures of the previous year. The importation of arms received a
           severe check by tho agreement entered into by the British, Persian and Maskat
           Governments for the suppression of tho arms traffic into Persia and British
          India and the consequent seizure of the arms and ammunition found on the
           S. S. Baluchistan. Y/hile oil, twist and yarn from India, ghi from Persia
          and piece-goods from America show an increase, cereals, coffee, piece-goods, silk
          and rice from India show a remarkable decrease. Tho cause of tho falling off
          in the importation of the latter article is stated to he due to the glut in tho
          Maskat market arising from a largo portion of the previous year’s stock remain­
          ing unsold.
              The exports also show a decrease of $137,100, particularly in dates to Indio,
          America and Turkey in Asia and limes to Persia. The cause of falling off in
          dates is due to the unfavourable crop of the previous year caused by the
          failure of the hot dry winds which usually prevail at this season of the year
          without which the date does not ripen.
              Under other heads, including specie, a slight increase is noticeable.
              The average price of dollars throughout the year varied from R130 to R140
           per 100 dollars.
              The customs were farmed to Shett Damodhur Dharamsee for $145,000*.

                                              C. G. F. FAGAN,
                            Political Agent and Her Britannic Majesty*« Consul,
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