Page 203 - Records of Bahrain (1) (i)_Neat
P. 203

The General Treaty with Britain, 1820          193

            Treaties and Undertakings, etc., in force between the
                British Government and the Rulers of Bahrain,

              [Noth.—III Ibn rvnnl of rinnlil licrcnftcr nriniiifj n* In Ilia jtrcci*o iiil^r|>rctnlinu of nny )<nr(ion of the Kng!*«!i>
            Ainbic to\l of nuo or oilier of Iho 'ircnly •li(iulnlioii(> llio Knylisli loxl thill bo considered decisive.J

                                        No. 1.

                            SHAIKHS OP BAHRAIN, 1S20.
               In the name or God, the merciful, the compassionate 1
               Know all men Chore hath come into Clio presence of General Sir William
            Grant Koir Che Saeed Ahdool Jalil, Vakeel on the part of thq Shaikhs
            Suleiman bin Alunal and Abdulla bin Ahmed, and there have passed between
            the General and Che said Ahdool Jalil, on the nart of the abovenamed, the
            following stipulations:—
                                      Article 1.
               That the Shaikhs shall not permit from henceforth, in Bahrain'or its
            dependencies, Iho sale of any commodities which have been procured by means
            of plunder and piracy, nor allow their people to sell anything of any kind
            whatsoever to such persons as may be engaged in the practice of plunder; and
            if any of their people shall act contrary hereto, it shall be equivalent to an act
            of piracy on the part of such individuals.
                                      Article 2.
               That they shall deliver up all the Indian prisoners who may bo i.u their
                                      Article 3.
               The Shaikhs Suleiman bin Ahmed and Abdulla bin Ahmed shall bo
           admitted to the terms of the general treaty with the friendly Arabs. End of
           the articles.
               Issued at Shargah in triplicate on Saturday, the twentieth of Iho month of
           ltabo-ool-Thany, in tho year of the ICcgira one thousand two hundred and
           thirty-live, corresponding to the fifth of Ecbruary one thousand eight hundred
           and twenty.
                                             W. G. KEIR, Major-General.
               The abovo articles accepted by mo in quality of Vakcol of tho Shaikh
           named above.
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