Page 205 - Records of Bahrain (1) (i)_Neat
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The General Treaty with Britain, 1820 195
friendly Arabs and the British at Iho time -when such plunder and piracy shall
Article 8.
Tho putting men to death after thoy have given up their arms is an act of
piracy and not of acknowledged war; and if any tribe shall put to death any
persons, either Muhammadans or others, aft$r they have given up their arms,
such tribe shall bo held to have broken tho peace; and tho friendly Arabs shall
act against them in conjunction with the British, and, God willing, tho war
agaiust them shall not cease until tho surrender of those who performed the act
and of those who ordered it.
Article 9.
The carrying off of the slaves, men, women, or children from tho coasls of
Africa or elsewhere, and the transporting them in vessels, is plunder and piracy
and tho friendly Arabs shall do nothing of this nature.
Article 30.
Tho vessels of tho friendly Arabs, hearing their Hag above described, shall
enter into all tho British ports and into tho ports of the allies of the British
so far as they shall ho able to clTcct it; and thoy shall buy and sell therein, and
if any shall attack them tho British Government shall take notice of it.
Artiole 11.
Theso conditions aforesaid shall be common to all tribes and persons, who
shall hereafter adhero thcroto in tho same manner as to those wno adhero to
thorn at tho Limo present. End of tho Articles.
Signed at Shargah by the Vakeel on tho part of tho Shaikhs Suleiman bin
Ahmed and Abdulla bin Ahmed, in his quality of Vakeel to the Shaikhs afore
said, on Saturday, the twentieth of the month of ltubcc-oos-Sanec in tho year
of the Hegira ono thousand two hundred and thirty-five, corresponding to the
Cth of February 1820.
Vakeel of Shaikh Suleiman bin Ahmccl and
Shaikh Abdulla bin Ahmed of the family of
Khalifah, Shaikhs of Bahrain.
Signed at Ras-ool-Khcimch at the
time of issuo by
(Sd.) W. GRANT KEIR, Major-
(L. S.)
Signed and accepted by Suleiman bin
Ahmad, of the house of Khalifah, at
Bahrain, on tho 9th of Jamadi-ool-
Awal in tho year of tho Hegira one
thousand two hundred and thirty-five,
corresponding to the 23rd Eebruary
1820. J
(U S).
igned and accepted by Abdulla
bin Ahmed of tho houso of Kha
lifah, at Bahrain, on tho 9th of
Jamadi-ool-Awal in tho year of
tho Hegira ono thousand two
hundred and thirty-five, corre
sponding to tho twenty-third of
Eebruary 1820.
(L. S.)