Page 210 - Records of Bahrain (1) (i)_Neat
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200                        Records of Bahrain


                   Designs of     The idea of transferring Bahrain to Saiyid Sa'id of Masqat, which
                   Masqat and
                   Porma on    had at first boon entertained, was thus definitely set aside; but tho
                   Bahrain,    Saiyid himself did not neglect to make uso  of his temporary closo
                               connection with the British at ltas-al-Khaimah for the purpose of
                               advancing his interests in Bahrain. The crippling of their allies, tho
                               Qawasim, was a severe blow to the 'UtCib of Bahrain, who   moreover
                               suspected that tho ruler of Masqat was  encouraged and supported
                               in his designs by the British Government; ami so impressed were tho
                               Persians with the probability of tho Saiyid's success on this occasion
                               that at the beginning of 1820 the Government of Pars, who had
                               recently rather hung back in the matter, began to beg him to convey
                               their troops to Bahrain; and the Priuco Governor of Shiraz, when
                               these applications failed, actually addressed himself to the commander
                               of tho British expedition and rccpicsted the loan of four or five transports,
                               —a demand which, needless to say, was refused. An active share was
                               taken in the Persian preparations by the *Alhi freebooter Italimah-bin-
                               Jabir, formerly of Khor Hassun in Qatar, who was now domiciled at
                               Dammam in Hasa.
                   Submission     When, early in January 1820, Saiyid Sa'id parted from Sir W.
                    of the’Utub   Grant Keir at Itas-al-Khaimah, it was believed that lie would immediately
                   of Bahrain to
                    tho Saiyid of attack Bahrain without depending on any except his own resources, and
                    Masqat,    this he may have intended to do ; but tho Al Klialifah, now thoroughly
                               alarmed, anticipated action on his part by making full submission through
                               an agent whom they sent to Masqat. The terms arranged wero that
                               the 'Ulub of Bahrain should pay an annual tribute of §30,000 to His
                               Highness, while ho should rclcaso certain 1 Atbi Shaikhs whom ho had
                               detained and restore some Bahraini vessels and other property which ho
                               had taken at sea on their way from India. Both parties appear to
                               have stipulated for a guarantee of this arrangement by tho British
                               Government, but none was apparently, obtained; later, however, an
                               instalment of §12,000 seems to have been actually remitted by tho
                               'Utiib to Masqat on account of the promised tribute; and as to the
                               fact of tho tribute having been promised, at least, there can be no doubt
                   Direct         Some ten Qasimi craft which were liablo to destruction by tho
                   British     British armament at llas-al-Khaimah having taken refuge in Bahrain,
                   dealings with
                   Bahrain,   Captain Loch'was despatched from Rfis-al-Khaimah with II.M.S. “Bden
                   1820.       and II.M.S. “Curlew” to demand their surrender. This on the
                               17th of January 1820 he obtained, as also an agreement by the Shaikh
                               not to admit any more boats of tho same character into his port until
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