Page 226 - Records of Bahrain (1) (i)_Neat
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216                        Records oj Bahrain

                              Part V-Cbnp. XXXVI.t          157
                              c<rcuui6lauco I could only ropeat my former interferences to avoid extremities, and compromise
                              the depute, whioh I Tear will bo of little avail.
                                  17.  During a very 1 mg discussion on tlio subject of fcbo troaty goncr.illy, tbo Sultan quoted
                              tbo last clause of tlio tontli artiole of the tieoly, a** binding us to protect vessels sailing under
                              its stipulation ; and to recover any which might, be captured from the parties of thu treaty hy
                              others. 1 replied that I did not consider the obligation us going quite so far, hut that l would
                              interfere, as far as I could, to prevent unlawful molestation from power which wore not parlies
                              to tho treaty, and that I would obtain further instructions from Government for my guidauco
                              ou tine head.
                                  18.  Tho Sheikh ooncluded by assurance of his frimnlly disposition towards tbo British
                              Government, his entire aoqniosconco in the present arrangements, and bis determination to abide
                              by the treaty, and by any directions we might give respecting its fulfilment.
                                 19.  1 hnvo been rathor particular in detailing my communication with this Chief ; because
                              it not only shows tho views which ho took of the subject, but those which formed tho basis of
                              ray communication gonorolly with all tho other Chiefs, in addition to tho points adverted to in
                              my instructions. Sheikh Sultan was, however tho only one who denied capable of entering
                              fully into tlio subject, the rest aro very inferior in evory icspcct.
                                 20.  The Chiofs of Dubey and Abulhohi, who were at a short distanco inland from
                              Sharga, both visited me at that placo : l did not thoivforo think it necessary to proceed myself
                              to their ports.
                                 21.  Tlicso Sheikhs aro botli of the Beni Yas tribe of whom Sheikh Thauun of Abuthabi
                              is tbo buporior. Sheikh Zaul bin Soyf of Duhoy is tlio same who signed the troaty, to which
                              both promised entire compliance. Slicikn Tliamm fully established bin power to tlio exclu­
                              sion of his father Sheikh Shakbut, and bis brmlicr Sheikli Mahmued ; the former is said to liavo
                              submitted to bis eon, tho latter is with another branch of tlio tribe in the interior.
                                 22.  Ou my ouquiring respecting Sonidan bin Zal. who is particularly nmniioncd in Colonel
                              Rcuuclt's lettor to you of tlio Gth ultimo. No. 42, sheikh Tliauuu stated that ho was his
                              Bubjcct, and was somowhero amongst the islands between that place and Abuthabi ; that lie has
                              gotx no fixed placo of abodo ; hut that lm would i'C answerable for his conduct, and would, if
                              1 plca-cd, recall him either to Abu'liabi or Dubey mid lix him there under his own eye. I thought
                              that this would be a vory desir.iblo arrangement under tlio suspicious circumstances of this person,
                              and a* tbo proposal was publicly inndo in tlio prosonce of imlran bin Suggnr and the Sheikh
                              of Dubov, I requested Micikli Tliauuu to writo to Sonidan, and gave him also at his dcsiro a
                              letter to that Chief deriving him to obey the orders of bis Sheikh, in addition to which 1 took
                              a dup'icatc of Thauuu’s letter for Sunidau, m ease 1 should fall iu witli him, but iu this hopo I
                              was disappointed.
                                 23.  At Sharga Captain Fnithfull completed his nrrangomcnls for tlio stationing of tho
                              cruizing vcsrols, and the ronownluf the registry. As they are entirely consonant to the sug­
                              gestions offered in my letter to him of the 10th July, and huvo d mbtlcss been reported by him
                              to tho Superintendent of Marino, it is not necessary that 1 should troublo Government with
                              tbo dotail in this place. 1 liavo however to solieit the sanction of Government for the occas­
                              sional hire of native boats by tlio cruizcr, which the senior officer dooms necessary for landing
                              at timc6 and places when tlio ship’s boats could not land, and also for avoiding tlio risk of the
                              ship’s boats being loft ou elioro, when tlio ships llicmt-olvcs aro blown to sea.
                                 24.  Wo tlion proceeded through tlio islands to 13idaa, which wo found is subject to
                                                           Bahrein, mid governed by a Sheikh named Bulmr
                                                           bin Inhrau of tbo tribo of Abu-o-ainco, all
                              tho other SUoikhs having quitted tho placo. Tho people sccmod to know very litt-lo of the
                              conditions of tlio treaty, and bad neither flag nor register, oxccpting for one boat, which
                              had bcon procured through tbo Sboikh of Bahrein. Ilowcvor, they furnished lists of the rest of
                              tl'cir boats for registry, and promised to abide by tho treaty, which I oxplaincd ; but as they
                              aro entirely subject to Bahrein, I did not tbiuk it necessary to ontor vory minutely ou the
                                 20. On tho 27th of January we reached Bahrein and landed at tho town of Manama ; we
                                                          had two interviews with Slioikh Abdula bin Ahmed,
                                                           who, though tho youugor brotlior, is the manager
                              of all affairs; wo also visited tho elder brother Slioikh Suloimau at ltuffa wlicro ho resides. \Vo
                              stayed several days and wero treated with hospitality.
                                 20. Iu addition to tlicso points of my instructions which wore particularly referred
                              to Bahroiu, I fully oxplaincd to Slioikh Abdulla bin Ahmed tho arrangements Umt had been
                              made for cruizing off the pirato ports, that tho conduct of hiimclf and bis subjects had been
                              such as to render such measures of precaution unnecessary iu regard to his ports, but that  OllO
                              6hip would occasionally visit tlio island j and that au ollioer would bo sont for tho purposo of
                              revising tho r.'gMtcrs, and would bring thorn to mo or tbo senior officer for signature. 1 called
                              his attention to tlio necessity of observing tho strictest conformity to the orders of tbo treaty, sc*
                              well at Bahrein as at his otliur subordinate ports, and particularly at IJidna, where its condi­
                              tions did not sorra to bo known. Ho promised Mint they should bo most carefully ob?cychI,
                              wherever his power extended, addiug that Bidnn was tlio only port from whioh trading
                              vessels sailed.
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