Page 223 - Records of Bahrain (1) (i)_Neat
P. 223


                            The General Treaty with Britain, 1820          213
                                          150            Part V-Chap. XXXIV.
            disposition to voour to piracy, they must bo confined to tbe destruction of tbo boats nod on no
            account bo carried on ou shore.
               18.  Thoso treaties you will obsorvo aro limitod to tho potty Slates in tbo Arabian sido of
            tbo Porsion Gulf. As tho Government of Persia has pledged itself to be answerable for the
            conduct of the Chiefs on the Persian side, your vigilanco and thoso of tho Commanding
            Oflioore o£ oruizore must thoroforo be constantly exercised in observing their proceedings and
            should any pirotioal acts bo committed by any boats or vossols belonging or resorting to
            thoso ports or should thoy adopt any measures directly tending to tho revival of piracy, you
            will, on tho faot, being fully ostablishod, represent tho ciroumstnnce to tho Govornraont of
            Furs (to whioh all tho possessions of Porsia, inoluding Bushiro in the Persian Gulf, aro imme­
            diately subordinate) and domnnd reparation, and should your roprosoutalion load to no. satis­
            factory rosult, you will forward your proceedings to tho British Envoy at Tohrau and to tho
            Govornor in Counoil.
               19.  It is dosirnblo that you should suggest a plau for roouring aulhontio intolligonco of
            tho proceedings of tho sovornl Chiefs on tho const and a roady communication with them
            should thoy appoar of a quostiounblo charnotor. You will adopt tho plan at onco if not
            nttondod with muoh exponso. Tho modo in which tho piratical Chiofs purohaso their boats
            or materials for oonstruotiog thorn and tho sources whouco thoy aro supplied with arms aud
            ammunition for tboir equipment, it is also desirable to asccrtaiu.
               20.  With the political affairs of Persia, with its disputes with the Imam of Mas hat ]
            or the different Powers in the Gulf, or the hostilities of these with each other unconnected
            with piracy, the Resident has no concern whatever, you will therefore maintain on the /V
            occurrence of any such disputes or national warfare the strictest.neutrality.   //'
               21.  Tho Governor in Counoil is dosirous that you should mako youreolf fully acquainted
            with tho constitution of tho different potty States iuto whioh both eidcH of tho Porsian Gulf
            aro dividod, tho nature of thoir rotation to caoh othor or thoir subordination to any higher
            authority, oithor as tributaries or dopondent branohes of tho soveroign State inoluding°tho
            several islands in the Gulf, ascertaining and reporting any chaogos that may ooour in the
            Chiefs oithor by death or othorwiso, and tho oharactcre of their successors or any principality
            offocting its original relation with or dopcudeuce ou auothcr State; affording in faot n
            succinct history of oaoh as events may ariso. '
               22.  Your personal salary has boon fixod at rupocs twolvo hundred per monsem.
            R000 per monsem for a fcablo aud B600 for office establishment and bouse-ront inoluding
            boats, orows and RlBU contingencies oxolusivo of prosonts, tho avorago amount of whioh for
            the last four or fivo years you will nsoortnin and limit your expenditure on that account
            nooordingly. On your quitting your station to visit tho different ports iu the Gulf or
            proocodiug on duty to Shiraz whioh may bo uocessnry with the viow of oxecuting thoso
            instructions, you will draw rupees five hutidrod (RdOO) por mensom ns additional salary until
            your roturn. Your expanses by laud or to tho Commandor of oruizers on whioh you may
            ombark, being a soparato ohargo. Should you havo occasion to prococd to Shiraz iu tho
            excootiou of these instruotious, you will report the oiroumstanoe to tho Envoy at Tehran aud
            bo guided by any suggostious he may offer on the occasion.
               23.  Tho Superintendent of tho Mariuo has boon dirooted to furnish you with a suitable
            accommodation iu my vosaol undor ordors for tho Gulf. You should proceed diroot to
            Kishra or to Maskat in the first instanco and rogulnlo your mca6iiros according ns you may
            nscortain to bo tho offoot of Captain Uruoo's nogotintions, should thoy not havo boon promul­
            gated nor any alarm bson exoited in tho Gulf by a knowledge of tho terms, it would be
            advisable that you should repair to Bushiro and receivo clmrgo of tho Residency and after
            entoring into the prosoribod explanation with tho Priuco of Shiraz iu disavowing tho Hgroe-
            mout, oarry into offoot tho othor part of theso instructions having rotation to Maskat, Bahrain
            Rnd the Arab States whioh ore parties to Sir William Koir's treaty.   *
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