Page 218 - Records of Bahrain (1) (i)_Neat
P. 218
208 Records oj Bahrain
Pftrt V-Chap. XXXIII. 145
he has been pleased to remove you from your appointment of Resident at JJushirc and to
direct you to return to Bombay, delivering ovorohargo of tlio factory at Bushire to tho Surgeon
at tho UoBidouoy, and oE all instructions relating to tlio gonoral politics of tho Gulf to
Lioutcnant-Colouol Konnott.
289. Tho following is tho draft of a loiter, a Persian translation of which
was signed and addressed by tho Governor of Bombay to llis lioyal Iiighuoss
Hossoin Ali Mirza, tho Prinoo Itogont of Pars :—
I liavo tho honour to acknowledge tho rccoipt of Your Royal Highnoas's letter*, and nrn
most 8cnsiblo of tho friendly feelings and grnloful for tho sontimonts of rogard with which
you aro pleased to honour mo. Tho allusious in your lioyal Ilighucns's loiter to negotiations
with Captain Bruco havo siuoo boon explained by a treaty forwarded by that gontloman.
It is n Guhjcot of much concern to this Government to find that Captain Bruco has thui
exceeded his powors, aud I, therefore, loso no tiuio iu apprising Your lioyal Iiighuoss of tbs
mietako iuto whioh that gontlomnn has fallon.
It is propor to oxplaiu dourly to your lioyal Mighnoss that Captain Bruco had been
merely dircoled to return to his duty at Busliiro, and had rccoivod no authority to proceed to
Shiraz, and no powors or orodoutials to outer on any negotiation whatever with your lloynl
Iiighuoss; tho troaty which ho has concluded is, therefore, his own not, and not that of
this Government. I accordingly disavow it, and desiro it to bo considered exactly as if it
bad novor boon writton.
Aftor this dcolarntion it is unnecessary to. discuss tho articles of tho treaty, 1
appears necessary, howovor, for mo to remark that it is not tho iutontiou of this Governmont
to tako any part in tho olaims of tho sovoral powors and Statos of tho Porsinu Gulf further
than may bo uecossary to provent a ronowal of piracy. With rcspoct to tho flag said to have
boon grauted to tho Attnbeos, tho faot is, that by tho treaty conoludcd by Sir W, G. Koit
with all tho Arab Chiefs in tho Gulf, it is agreed that, for tho purposo of distinguishing thw
pirates from thoso who abstain from piracy, tho lattor should oarry a whito squaro within a
red flag : this being tho oaso, tlioro oan bo nothing in tho flog to givo offouco to Persia, as
thero is not tho smallest connection botween it and the British flag, nor tho smallest
pretension to superiority on tho part of the British Govorument.
With regard to Kislirn, I had long eiuco applied to the Most Noblo tho Govornor-
Gcnoral for his consent for the rocall of tho dolachinout, and having now obtained it, the
troops liavo alrondy been ordered to roturu, and tlio island to bemndo ovor to tho Imnum of
Maekat,from whom it was received by tho British Governmont; but in doing so, this Gov
ernment is aotuatod by considerations of its own convoniouco : and with rospeot to the olaims
of tho Govornraont of Persia on that island, they liavo not as yet been provod.
Tho embarrassment Caplniu Brueo’s mistake must lead to is much regretted by this
Government, hut I bog Icavo to assure you that my roepoct for your lioyal Iiighuoss and
my wish to presorvo tho friendly relations between tlio British aud Persian Governmonto
undiiuinished. I trust, thorofore, that Your lioyal Iiighuoss will not allow any distrust to
enter your mind on account of this unauthorized and uuforosoon proceeding of Captain
I bog leave to apprizo Your Roynl Iiighuoss that that oflicor lias bcou recalled to India,
and thatauothor gentleman will bo appointed to succcod him, who will mako it liis business
to cultivato aud improvo tho oxisliug friendship.
Your Roynl Highness's corrcspoudonco will nt all tinios bo a source of much gratification
and any commissions you may liavo in tboquartor shall ho promptly oxcoulod.
290. Translation of an Agreement proposed by His Royal Hiqubess Hosannf
Ali Miuza through his Minister Zbki Khan and discussed between him
and William. Bn uau, JEsg., Resident of Bus hire, on 6th August 1S22.
As tho arrangement and settlement of tho affairs of subjects aro entrusted
to Kings and thoir Governors, and tho prosperity of the States depouds upon
tho unanimity and friendship existing botwoon Govornors of adjoining Provinces
for this purpose, tho Statos of Groat Britain and Porsia ontored into terms of
amity and good understanding, that tho subjects of each and thoir force.",
might onjoy tranquillity and prosperity, tho Governors of Provinces adjacent
had maintained this appoarauco and had rosted satisfied without actually
fulfilling thorn. Two years provious to this it became nocossary to suppress
tho piratical acts committed by tho Joasmis (?) for whioh purposo troop
arrived from India in tho Gulf of Porsia and a few acts woro committed by
thorn orroncously which did not accord with tlio good understanding oxisting
with this State, in consoqucnco of which His lioyal Iiighuoss Hussein Ali
Mirza doomed it advisablo for the good of his Government to malio Jsnovn*