Page 216 - Records of Bahrain (1) (i)_Neat
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206 Records oj Bahrain
Port V-Ohop. XXXIII. 143
287. Mr. Bruco roportod in bia lofctor No. 35, dated 3rd Septembor 1822,
bis proceedings in concluding an agree
Volume 90 of 1822. ment with tho Princo of Shiraz as regards
Bahrein and othor mattors:—
No. SC, dnlod SbirAZ Bngb Jaun Nuuiah, tho 3rd Septoniber 1822.
From—CimiH W. BnocB, Resident at Busliiro,
To—Tho Hon’dlb Mountstoaiit Elpuihstonb, Prosidout nnd Qovornor in Coanoil, Bombay.
In refcronco to my address to tho Honourable Hoard through tho Chief Secretary, undetf
dato 0th ultimo, in this Department, No. 32, I havo tho honour to acquaint you that Ilis
Itoyol Highness fixed on tho 8th ultimo for mo to moot tho Miuietur, Zikco Khan. I
accordingly complied, when tho communication roforred to was uiado mo iu tlio prcseuco of
Mirza Banker Auhio, tho Sheikh of Busbiro, and two other Khans, Aga Haha Khan and
Mirza Mahomed Ali ICnfrakeo. Wo discussed tho subject, when oortniu stipulations woro
ogreod to, and whioh tho MiuUtcr iuformed mo Ilia Hoynl Highness had tho permission of
the Shah to say would ho approved of nud confirmed a Court whon mado known, and ho
requested I would thoreforo transmit thorn for your Ilon’blo Board’s consideration nnd
approval as tondiug to commit tho tios of amity and good understanding.
2. That ho would in a fow days draw thorn out in writing nnd have two copica tra»6*
crihcd, each of whioh wo woro to sign with tho translation aunoxed : ono Mirza Baulcor was
to tako up to Tohran to bo laid boforo tho Shall for his confirmation nud approval, and the
othor I was to trausmit to your Honourable Hoard.
3. Tho oopics.woro finished and sigued by each of us on tho 30th ultimo, and last night
Mirza Unuker Auhio sot off for Toherau with ono of thorn ; tho other I havo now tho honour
to transmit for tho information of your Iiouourablo Honrd, and shall bo happy to learu it
may meet their approbation.
4. With regard to a oruizer boiug furnishod from tho station at Hassadore should tho
Persian Government requiro it, tho stipulations I havo mado for hor to be supplied with pro*
visions and necessaries if dotained hoyond 40 day6 uoarly amounts to tho 6amo as if kIio was
not furnished, for tho imbeoility and tnrdiuoss of this Government iu all their measures, with
tho vory limited means they possess of mooting au oxpousc of tho hind, will always operato so
as to forogo the scrvico of a vcssol rather than incur tho oharge,
6. Iiis Itoyal Highness has, I boliovo, mado up his mind to fit out au expedition this
wintor against Bahrein, and if ho should not meet with many obstacles iu procuring tonnage
(or the embarkation of tho troops, I havo litllo doubt hut what ho will put it to tho lost; and
iu tho event of his doing so, I think it moro than probable ho will tako the island without
tnuoh opposition. Tho Sheikh of Bushiro has pledged himself to furnish his ships and
buggnlows for this scrvico, which, if ho porforms, tho other ports will readily supply such
vessels as thoy possess.
0, Hub His Royal Higlmoss builds moro upon onrrying his wishes about Hahroiu iu
overtures which ho thinks tho Hcni.Attabco Sheikhs will malco to him after ho gets down ou
tho coast, and which ho will readily accopt if thoy tond at all to placo tho island ns subor-*
dinato to his authority, however limited that may bo, ralhor than riek tho atlompt by
7. Tho ostensible reason of tho Prince being more urgent for tho expedition taking plaoe
is to avoid being called up to Court this wiutor, whioh he cortainly will ho, unloss ho
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can occupy himsolf on somo expedition of tho kind that will requiro his porsonal attention
with the principal olficors of bis Court; wliilo at tho samo timo tho chnrges ntlcmling an
armomeut necessary for a sorvico of tho kind will ho a Staloobnrgc, and afford reasons sufiioicul
for any default that may oriso in tho regular remittances to tho Royal Treasury ; whereas,
if bo should proceed to Court, hie oxponsos and tho necessary presonto requirod would uuiount
to something vory cousidorablo, and bo ontiroly out of his own privy purse.
8. Tho Island of Bahroin rovorting again under tho authority of Porsia will tend mor#
to tho tranquillity of tho Arabian sido of tho Gulf than almost any othor act, and will at one#
do owsy the constout potty acts of aggression and retaliation existing bclwcon tho diMcroiii
branches of tho Boni Aitabco Arabs, particularly *o botweeu Abdolla bin Ahmed and JlnhniM
bin Jaubo, betb of whom the Honourable Board would learn from Colonel Kouncll had lotsiy