Page 219 - Records of Bahrain (1) (i)_Neat
P. 219
The General Treaty with Britain, 1820 209
140 Part V-Cliap. XXXIII.
theso acts of misunderstanding to tho Government appertaining nearest to
his own that they might ho awnro of wlmt had ocouvrcd, that some explana
tion might ho oITorcd for Ilia Itoyal Ilighncsa to act upon, anc| for tliia ronaon
deputed Mirza 13unghir, Military Secretary, to proceed to 13omhay at the
timo that tho Hon’blc Mount Stuart Elphinstono was Governor of it and of
its dcpondoncioa, and ho camo to an explanation with tho Hon’blo tho Governor
who allowed ovory wish and inclination to preaervo tho good understanding
and for which purpose deputed Captain J3rucc as tho Hon*hie Cnmpaing’s
Resident to Bushiro as the Government Agont. After his arrival, Ilia Uoyal
Highness diroctcd his attendance and on tho 8th of August 1822 or 20th
Zilkad, 1237 Hijrcc, at Shiraz, camo to an amicable decision and under
standing with Mahomed Zaki lChan, Sirdar and Minister of Para, tho following
engagements hoing agreed upon :—
1st.—That tho Vakils of tho two Statos ontcr into friondly discussions
and explanations tending to comont tho ties of amity and
good understanding botween tho Governors of the adjacent
2nd.—Tho Island of Bahrein which has always boon subordinate to tho
Province of Pars and its possessors, tho Beni Ailabi Arabs
who liavo of late been unruly and disobedient and had applied
to tho Commanding OfTicor of tho British forcos of a distinguish
ing flag. This flag, if it has beon granted to bo withdrawn,
and no assistance to bo rondorod to bo Beni Attahi Arabs,
3rd.—That Buch losses ns the inhabitants of Linkay and Charrack may
have Buircrcd by mistako in the dostruotion of thoir vessels,
to be rcstorod in kind, if forthcoming, if not, made good in
money by tho Government Vakil.
4tli.—"With regard to Captain Bruco’s residing at Bushiro, as tho
Government of Porsia had appliod for his removal and another
olflcor to be appointed, supposing him to havo committed acts
contrary to tho good understanding botween tho Statos, which
ho having cleared up to tho satisfaction of his own Govern
ment while Mirza Bunghio was present and 6hown overy
inclination to forward tho interests of tho two Sirkars, tho
Government deemed it advisablo to rc-nomiuato him to his
former duties, and His Itoyal Highucss, hoing oqually con
vinced, has proforred him hoing re-appointed to any other
officer, and roquostod it accordingly.
5th,—Tho British forcos who had takon a position-in an island on tho
coast of Porsia and who had beon requested to withdraw.
As tho Hon’blo tho Governor of Bombay has expressed a wish
for their hoing allowod to remain for a timo for tho sako of
appearances and benefit derived Ihoroby. In conscqucnoo
His Itoyal Highnoss doomed it advisable for the safoty and
'tranquillity of tho Gulf, and to prosorvo tho intorcourso freo
and uninterrupted, has complied for tho torm of fivo years and
until a naval cquipmont suflioiont for tho purposo can bo
gradually collected on tho following conditions
1st.—That if provious to tho fivo years His Itoyal Higlmoss should
havo collooted a naval forco sufficient to ensuro tho
tranquillity of the Gulf and will plodgo himsolf to that
effect, tho British forces to withdraw on tho assuranco
and plcdgo being givon.
2nd.—That if tho British forcos should bo considered too great,
with a viow to oconomy, they aro to bo reduced and an
cquivalont forco to bo furnished-by His Itoyal Highness
undor tho orders of an oflicor to oncarap on tho island
and to attend to thoir wishos and desires.
Mi.—1Tho British and Porsian forces to tako positions on any
island on tho coast of Pursia, tho olimato of whiol\