Page 303 - Records of Bahrain (1) (i)_Neat
P. 303


                    Renewed hostilities with Rahmah h. Jabir, 1825-1826  293

        established custom he would doubtless give intimation of his
        intention to commence hostilities whenever he should be compelled
        to have recourse to so unpleasant an alternative, but I assured
        him I should at all times be ready to assist him in averting

        such a calamity as far as the mediation or influence of the
        British Government could extend. In the present case l promised
        to use my utmost endeavours to bring Rahma bin Jabir to reason
        and obtain sufficient security for the future, but that in the
        event of finding him obstinate, I should be under the necessity
        of blockading his port and thus compel him to desist from
        plundering his neighbours.

        6.            Notwithstanding the provocations which Sheikh
        Abdoola has received, and the assurances which he has given me
        of his only being deterred from resenting them out of regard to
        the Treaty I should suspect that he will not precipitate

        matters, but quietly await the course of events and regulate
        his conduct by the view which Government may be disposed to
        take of the business. His reluctance to come to another
        rupture with Rama bin Jabir has been always conspicuous and is
        noticed in the enclosed letters from Mahomed bin Erraher, as
        proceeding from the mildness of the Arab character, but I
        believe this forbearance may rather be imputed to an apprehension
        of embroiling himself with a strong party which Rahma bin Jabir
        appears ever still to maintain among the Uttobee Tribe, and
        altho' most urgent and anxious for his destruction it is probable

        that he will only come forward as our auxiliary in any attack
        which may be directed against his refractory Kinsman. The
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