Page 304 - Records of Bahrain (1) (i)_Neat
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294 Records of Bahrain
Katiffe people are helpLess aL sea but are well disposed to
render every assistance in their power on the shore with which
the Island of Daman is said to be nearly connected at low-water,
on this subject however I have been unable to obtain any certain
information, and I must not omit so favourable an opportunity
to remark, that whatever may be the decision of Government on
the present question, a Copy of the late survey of that
dangerous quarter of the Gulph, which is yet almost unknown,
would prove of the greatest utility to the Cruizers on this
7. My requisition to Captain Walker, of which the
enclosed is a Copy, will I trust afford a clear explanation
to Government of the System which I mean to adopt till
honored with their instructions. Captain Walker's orders to
the Senior officer correspond entirely with the purport of my
letter, with an additional clause, at my suggestion, to this
effect that should Rahma bin Jabir have committed any excesses
at Sea subsequent to my departure from the Bay of Katiffe, he
shall be considered to have subjected himself to punishment
and his boats seized whenever an opportunity may occur of
taking possession of them.
S. I do myself the honor to enclose a letter from
Rahma bin Jabir to the address of the Hon'ble the Governor,
and have the honor to be,
Bushire Residency ) Sirs
12th November 1S25 ) Signed L G Stannus
Resident in the Gulf.
No. 1.
Translation of a Letter from Abdulla bin Ahmed Sheikh of
Bahrein, doted Rubeoal Aval 4th 1241 or l>5th October 1825.
To Lieutenant Colonel li.G. Stannus C.B., Resident.