Page 320 - Records of Bahrain (1) (i)_Neat
P. 320
310 Records of Bahrain
Transcription of previous document
Translation of a letter from Assoo the Agent at Bahrein to the Resident
in the Persian Gulf dated 16 Nov 1828
AC I beg to acquaint you that I have already sent these letters
via Kateef to your address in one of which I enclosed a communication
from Muscat by that route. These letters will convey to you the full
particulars of every thing that has taken place.
His Highness the Imam's fleet arrived off the coast of Guttur
on the 27 October and a small boat belonging to Luft being driven on
shore by the violence of the wind was seized by the Boo Guwarah tribe
and her crew of nine persons detained, On that same day Sued Saed's
ships appeared but much scattered by a severe gale, On the 31 ult.
the whole of the fleet entered Bahrein and cast anchor off Sutra
outside the Khor of Killa. Shaikh Khuleefa bin Sooliman immediately
proceeded with a body of troops and took post opposite H.H. vessels
while another party under the command of Abdoolla bin Ahmed's son
was sent to support him. On the 3rd day he marched by the Bahrein
Chief's orders from that place and took up a position near Horah to
the eastward of Manamah. In four days the ships of the Imam ( )
the Khor of Killa and two Grabs with 11 Buglas entered, On the 4th
inst. Ally Naim a commander of one of the Imam's Buglas landed at
Muharag in his own boat bringing a letter from the Chief of Mukla
Shuhur for Shaik Abdoollah bin Ahmed. This chief whose name is
Abdoolrub is said to have arrived - the purport of the communication
seems to have been that influenced by a regard for both sides and
desirous of preventing the effusion of blood he was anxious that
arrangements should be made to avoid this - no written answer was
returned to this but a verbal reply that the blame for all the evil
that might arise did not rest with them but with those who had
commenced it, adding "if you wish to land do so and do what is
On the 5 Sued Saed detached two Grabs and two Buglas towards
Killa the place where the cruizers anchor and near which the large
vessels belonging to Shaikh Abdoolla were stationed, As soon as they
perceived the Grabs they weighed by order of the Bahrein shaikh and
cast anchor on the Khor of Fasht. The same day two Grabs with a
number of Buglas and smaller vessels left the vicinity of Killa and
having placed themselves opposite the Fort of Sutra the troops landed
in the night and took possession of it. On the 9 inst. one of the
Grabs opened fire upon the Fort of Hallah which was returned. The
Bugla of Bushire ( ) had accompanied the Grabs then commenced
firing upon the Town of Manama from Muzrasa but being out of shot
she came nearer and fired one ball which reached the town but injured
no one - after this she ceased her cannonade. This day was the
beginning and ending of the fighting. After 12 o'clock a number of