Page 321 - Records of Bahrain (1) (i)_Neat
P. 321
The war with Muscat, 1828-1829 311
boats commenced landing troops from the vessels near Jaffir and
Kuz Kuz. At this time Shaik Abdoola and Shaik Khuleefa with the
other chiefs and their forces were in Manama, As soon as they
hoard of the landing they left the town and took up a position
opposite. The Imam's troops were not all landed when a fire of
matchlocks was opened on both sides and the two bodies had nearly
reached each other when Shaik Abdoolah's cavalry charged Saed Sued's
men and compelling them to give way broke and defeated them. Having
done this they began to cut them up. II.H. had not landed from his
boat when he perceived his troops routed upon which he returned.
The reports in the city state that they had more than 500 killed but
the correct number is only 200. A great number however were drowned
whose bodies have boen floating up and a very large quantity of arms
have been recovered from the water. In short the Imam was defeated
while the Bahrein Troops only lost four men and four horses killed
and one horse carried away. The instant the defeat took place the
Imam's ships weighed and proceeded to Boorhumah where they anchored
leaving behind a grab of two masts and a Bugla which had stranded.
These were immediately taken possession of by Abdoollah bin Ahmed's
men who got the Bugla off on the 11th and carried her into Muharrag.
On the night of the 15th the Imam's people continued to set fire to
the grab which was still on shore but the Bahrein chief carried off
everything that was not burnt her copper, stores, ammunition and
eight pieces of cannon.
It is quite certain that great numbers of drowned people
have been picked up many of whom had no wound, It is said that more
than 500 men were killed and drowned. Some reports mention that
Shaikh Tahnoon is killed others that he is still alive. The two grabs
and Buglas that were anchored off Mazoola weighed and joined H.H. fleet
on the 11th. This day the 16th Nov. the Imam's vessels are still
anchored near Boorhumah. On the night of the 6 two men landed from
the Imam's ships in Muharrag, one of them a free man Ally bin Saud a
dependant of the Imam and the other a slave belonging to Bin Mushary
from whom they brought a letter to Sued Abdool Julleel the purport
of which was that he should go to Abdoolla bin Ahmed and see if he
had any wish to make peace with the Imam in which case he (bin Mushary)
could land and open a negotiation. The Bahrein Chief in reply said he
could have nothing to do with a letter from Bin Mushary but that if the
Imam would write himself the affair might be settled. I think if the
Imam was to ask that or send a person as a mediator that Shaik
Abdoollah is inclined for peace.
After the Imam had retreated the Shaik sent and destroyed
the fort of Sutra which however H.H. troops had greatly injured
besides cutting down many date trees. I hear that 1000 weapons
have been recovered from the sea and that Shaik Abdoollah has
written to the Shaik of Bushire and to you.