Page 362 - Records of Bahrain (1) (i)_Neat
P. 362
350 Records oj Bahrain
Enclosure No 9
Translation of a letter from Shaik Abdoolah bln Ahmed to Major
Wilson, Resd. dated 29 August 1029 or 2nd Suffer
AC Your letter dated the 22nd Suffer has been received with
respect to what you mention touching the peace with Sued Said. Me
are not disinclined to goodness which wo love. Nc i tiier are we
desirous of weakness, but the situation as it is now is like that
which is not concealed from you for he cannot remain quiet even
although without any cause whatever and when he is unembarrassed a
has no necessary or important affair in hand such as the Suwahil c
Bussoraft excepting that at Bahrain, he will add up a letter to yc
similar to that which he wrote you last year and tell you that he
not right with Abdoola bin Ahmed and came up himself in the very
traces of his communication without reason or known cause. At the
time therefore when all my affairs in property and ships are
scattered and all my people whether Arabs or Bedouins subject to c-
are engaged in journics, I cannot feel secure from infraction unle=
someone like you were to become the mediator of goodness between tfc
whole, so that when one of us should aggress his neighbour
Improperly and without cause, you should turn the infractor and
aggressor back. On this condition we consent to peace, every one i
his own place, but if you do not wish to become the mediator of
goodness between the whole, wo are not secure from this man as no
confidence can be placed in his words or engagements when no
mediator like yourself is between.
Enclosure No 10
Letter from Major Wilson to Shaikh Abdoola bin Ahmed, Chief of
4 Sept 1029.
AC Your letter dated 29 Aug (27 Suffer) has been received.
Having so repeatedly and so very decidedly told you that it was not
the practise of the British Government to enter into the interior
concerns of any other states or to guarantee any peace made by the*
I did not expect you would have so far lost sight of your own
interests as to send the answer above acknowledged which does no
authorise me to make the proposal for peace which I offered ft on
myself to communicate and mediate between you and H.H. the Iman.
I said in my last letter and now repeat the same sentiments
that the British Government will never guarantee any treaty
whatsoever but if a peace be concluded through any means or
mediation whatever they may be, it will not see that '
cither party without infinite regret and displeasure towards
party which may be the aggressor.
Enclosure No 1 1
Letter from Major Wilson to H.H. the Imam of Muscat dated 4 Sept
AC Your Highness' confidential messenger, liajie Abdoo 23rd*UIt
having after a very long voyage reached this place on t ® tQ |£
and delivered to me Your H. communication of 22nd July a f,dentlal
I your letter of the 1 August, I immediately had a long co vlcv«
> and interesting conference with him respecting your w unhly
and he doubtless will communicate to Your Highness how r
and carefully we discussed the three proposals noticed y.cst
communication of the 22nd July with the view of taking t
measure for Your Highness' Interests.