Page 364 - Records of Bahrain (1) (i)_Neat
P. 364
Records of Bahrain
Sequel of these events, 1828-1829.
ilMervacs by Immediately after the departure of the hostile fleet Shaikh 'Abdullah
the Shaikh
of Bahrain wrote to Colonel D. Wilson, the Political Resident at Btishehr, to coin-
lo (ho plain of theconduot of the Shaikh of Abu Dhabi in joining in Ihc attack
Political upon Bahrain : he appealed to the fourth Article of tho General Treaty of
Keaident, Peace, by which both himself and Shaikh Taknun were bound, and
18-8. in which it was slated that “ the paoifieatcd tribes should not light
with each other." In reply the Resident explained the meaning of the
clause to be that tho signatories should not fight with each other tn a
piratical manner, hut only in the way of open and declared
Having learned that to engage in regular hostilities was not contrary
).Ucen tin to the Treaty of 1820, the Shaikhs of Bahrain resolved to carry war into
Bahrain d enemy’8 waters and equipped for the purpose a fleet of seven largo
ho Saiyid of veseels, to meet which two frigates wero sent to sea by Saiyid Sa id. Tho
°-,nan» 'Abi fleet sailed on tho 21st of March 1829 under the personal co mniand
of Shaikh 'Abdullah-bin-Ahmad.
The war-ships from Masqat shortly fell in with a Bahrain vc66cl from
- India, the “ Saiyftr," which they first tried to intimidate by long range
fire and then to board j but, finding the 'Atbi crow prepared to recei\c
them with combustibles, they sheered off again and continued the action