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h JrrAlessanc^ra Avanzini, a large digital database, the Corpus of South Arabian
fc^An ^ns
, ic i includes some 7,500 inscriptions from South Arabia, nearly half of those
that have been discovered in South Arabia.
Primary Texts
Philostorgius. Kirchengeschichte. Edited by Joseph Bidez and Friedhelm Winkelmann. Berlin: Akademie-
Verlag, 1972.
Links to Digital Materials
Map of South Arabian inscriptions <
id=8G&prjld=J &corld=Q&colld=0&navld=0>.
Bafaqih, M.'A. ^unification du Yemen antique: La lutteentre Saba', Himyar et leHadramawt de frau"'erne
siecle de I’ere chretienne. Paris: Bibliotheque de Raydan 1,1990.
Bowersock, G. W. “The New Greek Inscription from South Yemen." In Qdni’ le port antique du Hadramawt
entre la Meditcrranee, I’Afrique et I’lnde. Edited by J. F. Salles and A. Sedov, 393-396. Turnhout, Belgium:
Brepols, 2010. A slightly modified version of the article can be found in J. S. Langdon, ed. To Ellenikon:
Studies in Honor of Speros Vryonis, Jr., vol. 1, pp. 3-8. New Rochelle, NY: A. D. Caratzas, 1993.
Bowersock, G. W. The Throne ofAdulis: Red Sea Wars on the Eve of Islam. Oxford: Oxford University Press,
Drewes, Abraham J., and Jacques Ryckmans. Les inscriptions sudarobes surbois dans la collection de
roosters Instituut conservees dans la bibliotheque universitaire de Leiden. Edited by Peter Stein and Harry
Stroomer. Wiesbaden, Germany: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2016.
Gajda, Iwona. Le royaume de Himyar a I’epoque monotheiste. Paris: Memoires de I’Academie des
Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 2009.
Gorea, Maria. “Les classes sacerdotales (mismarot) de I’inscription juive de Bayt Hadir (Yemen).” In Le
JudaTsmede I’Arabie Antique. Edited by Christian Julien Robin, 297-329. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols,
Korotayev, Andrey V. Pre-lslamic Yemen Socio-Political Organization of the Sabean Cultural Area in the
2nd and 3rd Centuries AD. Wiesbaden, Germany. Harrassowitz, 1996.
de Maigret, Alessandro. “La route caravaniere de I’encens dans I’Arabie
preislamique <http://cy>." Chroniquesyemenites, 11,2003.
Maraqten, Mohammed. “Women’s Inscriptions Recently Discovered by the AFSM at the Awam
Temple/Mahram BilqTs in Marib, Yemen." Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 38 (2008): 231-
Muller, Walter W. Sabaische Inschriften nach Aren datiert. Bibliographic, Texte und Glossar.
(Verdffentlichungen der Orientalischen Kommission, 53). Wiesbaden, Germany: Harrassowitz Verlag,
Nebes, Norbert “The Martyrs of Najran and the End of the Himyar: On the Political History of South
Arabia in the Early Sixth Century." In The Our an in Context Edited by Angelika Neuwirth et al., 25-60.
Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 2010.
Patrich, Joseph. “Bet keneset yehudTqadum be-‘Tr ha-namal qani’ se-be-teman." Qadmoniyyot 142
(2011): 102-106.
Robin, Christian. “Du paganisme au monotheisme.” In L’Arabie antique de Karib’il a Mahomet. Edited by
Christian Robin, 139-155. Aix-en-Provence: Edisud, 1992.
Robin, Christian. “Le royaume Hujride, dit ‘royaume de Kinda’, entre Himyar et Byzance." Comptes rendus
des seances de I’Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 140.2 (1996): 665-714.
Robin, Christian. “Le Judaisme de Himyar." Arabia 1 (2003): 97-172.
Robin, Christian. “Himyar et Israel.” Comptes rendus des seances de I Academic des Inscriptions et Belles-
Lettres, 148.2 (2004): 831-906.
Robin, Christian. “Joseph, dernier roi de Himyar (de 522 a 525, ou une des annees suivantes)." Jerusalem
Studies in Arabic and Islam 34 (2008): 1-124.