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1. Andrey V. Korotayev, Pre-lslamic Yemen Socio-Political Organization of the Sabean Cultural Area in the
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3. J. F. Salles and A. Sedov, eds., Qani’: Le port antique de Hadramawt entre la Mediterannee, I’Afrique et
L’lnde, Fouilles Russes 1972,1985-89,1991,1993-94 (Lyon: Brepole, 2010); and G. W. Bowersock, “The
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4. M.'A. Bafaqih, L’unification du Yemen antique: La lutte entre Saba’, Himyar et le Hadramawtdeler au
lllemesiecle de t’ere chretienne (Paris: Bibliotheque de Raydan 1,1990).
5. Christian Robin, “Le roi himyarite Tha’ran Yuhan’im (avant 325-v. 375): stabilization politique et
reforme religieuse,” Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 41 (2014): 1-96.
6. Christian Robin, “Quel JudaYsme en Arabie,” in LeJudaTsme de I’Arabie Antique, ed. Christian Robin
(Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2015), 124.
7. Robin, “Quel JudaYsme en Arabie,” 123.
8. Robin, “Quel JudaYsme en Arabie,” 175.
9. Iwona Gajda, Le royaume de Himyara I’epoque monotheiste (Paris: Memoires de I’Academie des
Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres), 2009.
10. Joseph Patrich, “Bet keneset yehudTqadum be-*ir ha-namal qani’ se-be-teman,” Qadmoniyyot 142
(2011): 102-106; Yosef Yuval Tobi, “The Jewish Community in Hasi, South Yemen, in the Light of Its
Makrab Suri’el and Cemetery,” in LeJudaTsme de I’Arabie Antique, ed. Christian Robin (Turnhout,
Belgium: Brepols, 2015), 373-385. See also Maria
Gorea <>, “Les classes sacerdotales (mismarot)
de I’inscription julve de Bayt Hadir (Yemen),’’ in Le JudaTsme de I’ArabieAntique, 297-329.
11. Christian Robin, “Le Judaisme de Himyar," Arabia 1 (2003): 103-104.
12. Christian Robin, “Le Judaisme de Himyar."