Page 101 - 2 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 2_Neat
P. 101

Report on the Trade of the Bahrain Islands for the year ended

                                  31st March 1931.

                     Introduction.              7he following table show* the novc-raert* of
                                              general mercluadixc ta compared wkh Peaxia and
         The Indepen lent Arab Principality of Bahrain   Specie :—
        consists of a pnup of islands off the East coast of
        Arabia. The S:ato is under Britiih protection but   Imports.
        is not a protectorate.
         A general d'seription of the physical, political        Total
       and commercial peculiarities of the Islands is guvea   T tar.  Speae^  rtuie.  Peart*  Cm.  teBKW.
                                                                  a tkJ
        in the Report 5or the year 1911-12 (Annual Series        Specie.
       No. 5032). Tbi pcrman*iJit population is estimated
        at 115,000.                                     £    l     S    l     £
                                                            11.0 ci    3,144^20
                                              jsriWo  57*029     585.872
                       Trade.                 1931-31  Kl 537  13,6>»   125,137  X2.384  1&S7JSU
                                              Prr»TJ-j»< of  -60-9  -r*l-7  -;w  -28-4  —137
         Toe total valw of the trade amounted to £l,651.553   iiiT*.-e a
       aa compared sit a £2.818,257 in 1929-3Q, sbjwring
       a decrease of £1,126,699 or.39;9 per cent.
         The total vahe of Imparts amounted to £1,037,324   Exports.
       a.* against £1.9)0.692 in 1929-30, shearing a dtereaw
       of £S43,168 cr 43*7 per cent. The decrease ia             Total
       cbi-fly due to the worldwide fall its prices of com­  Tear.  ftartt-  hcarU  JErrvhaa-  Total
       modities but oving f> th-e tightness of ready m»*«n<y     Specie.     lng>ont
       and the slump in the pearl trade actual iur.ions
       have decreased and the market for better class goods
                                                       £     t    t     l     £
       is at a 8tand-stil.
                                              3925-30  1E1.922  1141,275   *33.200  issues   ^o7J«
         Since pearls arc a lujcury, and are only b>ught               375,792
       when other wonts have been satisfied, the degres­  3933-31  liw.570  42.S72  228,242  9W.U34
       sion has been f«-lt acutely in Bahrain, which is   Po-»ITtiK Of   —4 3  —319  —3l-»  —319
                                               niT«-« or
       almost entirely dependent on the pearl trade for   flsrrt**.
       a living.
         It will be seen that Cotton goods valued at £73,958   Since many Pearls leaving Bahrain are x<T de­
       arc shown as imported from Indian This j« mis­  clared and very few declared at their correct value,
       leading as the bulk of the cargo imported from   it is impolitic to give exact figures for their Ex*
       the United Kingdom arrives rid India and conse­  pert, but the xmount ia variously estimated berrweea
       quently appears under this bcadiu^, and aba a   oxe-and-a-hali and two million pounds in nurml
       quantity of Japanese piccegoods.      yuan.
                   Pearl Industry.             The Tariff is fixed by Treaty ax 5 per err*, cd
         A general description, of this Industry is given   vaort/n on all imports. In June 155) on the advice
       in this Agency Trade Report for the year 1927-28.  of the Government of India the tar on goods lamded
                                             at Bahrain in transit tor the mainland was reduced
                                             frtm 5 per cent, to 2 per cent, as which figure
                                             it formerly itood. Expert duty of Rs. 10 pet
                                             bundle of hides and Ra. 2 per bidet of does is
         The total vahe of Exports during the year amount-   charged. TU Customs work is carried on by s
       <4 to £004.054 as against £867r565 in 1529-3)   European Director of Custopu under the ordta
       showing a decrease of £283,531 or SI-9 per otas.  of she Ruler of Bahrain
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