Page 101 - 2 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 2_Neat
P. 101
Report on the Trade of the Bahrain Islands for the year ended
31st March 1931.
Introduction. 7he following table show* the novc-raert* of
general mercluadixc ta compared wkh Peaxia and
The Indepen lent Arab Principality of Bahrain Specie :—
consists of a pnup of islands off the East coast of
Arabia. The S:ato is under Britiih protection but Imports.
is not a protectorate.
A general d'seription of the physical, political Total
and commercial peculiarities of the Islands is guvea T tar. Speae^ rtuie. Peart* Cm. teBKW.
a tkJ
in the Report 5or the year 1911-12 (Annual Series Specie.
No. 5032). Tbi pcrman*iJit population is estimated
at 115,000. £ l S l £
11.0 ci 3,144^20
jsriWo 57*029 585.872
Trade. 1931-31 Kl 537 13,6>» 125,137 X2.384 1&S7JSU
Prr»TJ-j»< of -60-9 -r*l-7 -;w -28-4 —137
Toe total valw of the trade amounted to £l,651.553 iiiT*.-e a
aa compared sit a £2.818,257 in 1929-3Q, sbjwring
a decrease of £1,126,699 or.39;9 per cent.
The total vahe of Imparts amounted to £1,037,324 Exports.
a.* against £1.9)0.692 in 1929-30, shearing a dtereaw
of £S43,168 cr 43*7 per cent. The decrease ia Total
cbi-fly due to the worldwide fall its prices of com Tear. ftartt- hcarU JErrvhaa- Total
modities but oving f> th-e tightness of ready m»*«n<y Specie. lng>ont
and the slump in the pearl trade actual iur.ions
have decreased and the market for better class goods
£ t t l £
is at a 8tand-stil.
3925-30 1E1.922 1141,275 *33.200 issues ^o7J«
Since pearls arc a lujcury, and are only b>ught 375,792
when other wonts have been satisfied, the degres 3933-31 liw.570 42.S72 228,242 9W.U34
sion has been f«-lt acutely in Bahrain, which is Po-»ITtiK Of —4 3 —319 —3l-» —319
niT«-« or
almost entirely dependent on the pearl trade for flsrrt**.
a living.
It will be seen that Cotton goods valued at £73,958 Since many Pearls leaving Bahrain are x<T de
arc shown as imported from Indian This j« mis clared and very few declared at their correct value,
leading as the bulk of the cargo imported from it is impolitic to give exact figures for their Ex*
the United Kingdom arrives rid India and conse pert, but the xmount ia variously estimated berrweea
quently appears under this bcadiu^, and aba a oxe-and-a-hali and two million pounds in nurml
quantity of Japanese piccegoods. yuan.
Pearl Industry. The Tariff is fixed by Treaty ax 5 per err*, cd
A general description, of this Industry is given vaort/n on all imports. In June 155) on the advice
in this Agency Trade Report for the year 1927-28. of the Government of India the tar on goods lamded
at Bahrain in transit tor the mainland was reduced
frtm 5 per cent, to 2 per cent, as which figure
it formerly itood. Expert duty of Rs. 10 pet
bundle of hides and Ra. 2 per bidet of does is
The total vahe of Exports during the year amount- charged. TU Customs work is carried on by s
<4 to £004.054 as against £867r565 in 1529-3) European Director of Custopu under the ordta
showing a decrease of £283,531 or SI-9 per otas. of she Ruler of Bahrain