Page 102 - 2 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 2_Neat
P. 102

                           Agriculture.              «l.v'il«! hi r.iiulr thrujl. th Bn. < tor tr-<l of
                                                    * V-uuiivuiil IntullL’e.i* .it t’.Jeeltu. Tim. v. .uhJ
               i:i its northern .-dior.;*- Bulimia i> bUsrs.1 with   r.fjbably hr saved l.v .-ddre*>.U{: the «.;h<ial
              1:1 ahuuilutit water supjlv from springs .»ud more   •lin'd. •>?* infnrniath n *>11 tuost ordinary mutter*
                • nt|y Inn:, artesian well*. An Agricultural ox*
              i* i                                  i - •\aihih!..- :n hi* r«***sr«J«*.
              ] has 1-cm engaged j:m! cXB'P.i-1'iit* h^ve coin*
              v-'-lo. d : it i- hoped that will imr. .i«inp ki.irvledge
              1 -IVl use \r;ll In* made of the wi'!v .ins* d fertile   Shipping.     C
              s- •)! Jivailal le. As n-ecntly 11 a lf*0 v-.-.ii> ago IMiniiti
              \v.;« t.iuwus for it? ••c,tt»*iil which v.’ii* ex| -ored a>   Then* is a regular w.-kly mail -vrvne from India
              f.t afield a.- Baghdad. and tl* re is n * reauMi   tnd to Iidi-j. As nporti<1 |.r«.vnni.*lv
              why those Jays should uot return. So Lr no   '.•winaj to th- .iholiti-n of the British l'.*st <U|;r.
              ):.a:k«'t for fertilizers or njrrjr*ila’:nil increments   it Bushin rho promt- of svm1u,o
              Cj*. said 10 exist. uni animal « .inures * an*   by UJi-strHltllTS I'o* liudlirr III! 4 » eased. Til- l.’llilher
              or:, j lovcil.                        of nuiils t" India iiro n*Iuv«d fr* ui six t<» t;v«» m.«(
                                                    rhu- adversely ulieits rh* ent;.i:.<-ieiul «.oiMr**u:«iiy.
                A l r.ii.rl of the Eastern Hank exists .it Hihruin   Goa c/a! Renta rks.
              a:.d trai*s;i\ts all t4as«es ••£ busincs*. and tin Hundi
              *y»i.-m is abo used by the Hindu merchants  Motor r»n l«- •J<:it.t!f«- fur :s .,i ij h.rrie* • xi-t
                T’m-j Bit.k ?•= also tin* S*«te h.iik of t!.« B.hx.iir.   over tin* gre.itm ) :r -I tin- lshauB   I Jn n* .m
              Gowmiamt.                             n >iUt i1'*! motor «njs ••: varr*\ - inulo-s <| i.,..|i,r
                                                    • :T' an :iV:ih.l»t- on 1 ,r« .  Mi't* j ho.;!s j»!y i-.'ul.»rlv
                      Enquiries regarding Trade.    l.-r.vnen I a*.rein u.d (V,i.ji n: i| .• t!.j»i*,; m I .,r,d
                                                    •t!sv betwv.n Bahrain .»r.d Quti< and Oj.ur
                T'.v Agent, Bahrain. vim is. >1 close
              to»wh with and mainland afcirs. avUI hi- yl-id
              i< .'.swer eny ••nquirh* regarding trade In c. lun-
              cl.a.vt' in the l.’nited Kingdom thr.cgh tin- Impart   •; HllOlij (V.i*t «!n.
              m-.-n* of Ovcrsias Trad>. Enquirl-;*- fron% India               Af/'lll, /J'l/fO’H.

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