Page 111 - 2 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 2_Neat
P. 111
Total Export* of Principal Articles from Bahrain during the years 1923-29 to 1930-31—ccntd.
Quantity. Yai.ce.
1023-20 ir*2'i-30 L.*3.jUI K£*.29 !5-2'.b3<l l'j.^J-31
—cuhN. £ £ £
Cuudv • Ua s* :u 704 I-T 80 5.818 30 I'.I.ImO 4 I ,!)!)(» 2.3.020 C5.2IO 4H.G75 21, M!1
S.ft Tons 4.080 2,307 1.872 Oi,77S 33.!)3o 32,010
Crystal . 23!) 105 4.01!) 1.327
Tea . Cases 4,180 1.032 l.O'.M 27,512 J0.H0 21,37!)
All «.tl»«-r kiu'N 3,132 2,180 837
Textile' aud Fa!#r> ?• —
WYarinj: Appud •» 2.717 1,221 518
50,702 I'i].333
.Silk Goods 6,701 1.53!) -j.814
.N'i!vi i and !!• W Thread 3,085 N.I11
Tvi-» and Y»m 3,101 024
VV"«*«>i and \\Y«.iiJ"n Go'idi l 520 753
Miyvll iiut»U’
Ciiu. Earth-n an 1 (lla^-v-tr- 1.875 382
C»ir and Hope . \ 2,010 1,433
Itiw Cotion 7!)7
l)ru'_' and M .-dyinos . : 1,102 702
Hal- rdnsbfry and Hosiery 2.330 5!)2
Hardware and Cutlery 5.002 5212
Hid*.-* and SYjd« 2.0-V) 2.102
7,035 3.!)50
Mai- lira .... Cases 70 00 75*5 341
iVrfuravrv 1.042 1.204
TnUltn .... 3.008 2.087
S'.t«*r Can* Nr- 23 40 22 2.585 0.750
AccrwiHa 2.38 884
Gold Coin* 14.003 31,300
.\ftKlw not ui?nti-*ncil alir-rf 40.020 4.5!) 1 4,074
Total 503.723 387.503 004,034
Total value of Exports to Principal Countries from the Bahrain Islands during the years 1923-29 to
Qcastitv. Valcx.
Articles asi» Cocntries to which exported.
1928-20 1929-30 1500-31 1928-25) 1020-30 1030-31
£ £ £
liadding UaUfiil*—
Timber uJ Wo>mI—
An bis . 2.0O* 303 1«3
Penis . 10 34 14-
Other Material*—
Arabia . *35 578 304
Persia . 82! 387 2*1
Iraq 422 18 81